For the purpose of this title, certain words and terms are defined as follows. Verbs used in the present tense include the future; the singular noun includes the plural, and the plural the singular; the word "lot" includes "plot" and "parcel"; the word "building" includes "structure" and shall be construed as being followed by the words "or part thereof"; the word "occupied" includes the words "designed", "arranged" or "intended to be occupied". Where the verb "use" is employed, it shall be construed as if followed by the words "or is intended, arranged, designed, built, altered, converted, rented or leased to be used"; the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory. All distances and area refer to measurements in a horizontal plane. The word "title" shall include amendments thereto, including amendments to the zoning map. (Ord. 64, 11-17-1971)
BUILDING: A structure forming a shelter for persons, animals or property and having a roof. Where appropriate in the context the word "building" shall include the principal accessory use or uses of the building.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY: A subordinate building or structure devoted to a use accessory to the principal use on the lot.
BUILDING, MAIN: A building in which is contained all or part of the principal use of the lot.
CLINIC: A place for the examination and treatment of persons as outpatients by physicians or dentists.
DWELLING, MULTI-FAMILY: A building containing three (3) or more dwelling units, not a hotel, apartment hotel or motel.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY: A detached building containing only one dwelling unit and which is constructed under the residential building code and which also includes manufactured homes and factory built homes developed to specific standards in accordance with section 3-3-4 of this title and a residential facility for groups in which ten (10) or fewer unrelated persons with disabilities reside, as defined by Nevada Revised Statutes.
DWELLING UNIT: A room, or group of rooms, forming a habitable unit for one family with the facilities which are used, or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
ERECT: To build, construct, reconstruct, move upon or conduct any physical development of the premises required for a building. To excavate, fill, drain and the like in preparation for building shall also be considered to erect.
FAMILY: One or more persons occupying a dwelling unit and living as a single nonprofit housekeeping unit, not including a group of five (5) or more persons who are not within the second degree of kinship.
FLOOR AREA, GROSS: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building excluding areas used for accessory garage purposes and such basement and cellar areas as are devoted exclusively to uses accessory to the operation of the building. All dimensions shall be taken from the exterior faces of walls, including the exterior faces of enclosed porches.
FLOOR AREA RATIO: The ratio of the gross floor area of a building, or buildings on one lot to the total area of the lot.
JUNK: Worn out, cast off or discarded articles or material which is ready for destruction, or has been collected or stored for salvage or conversion. Any article or material which, unaltered or unchanged and without further reconditioning, can be used for its original purpose as readily as when new, shall not be considered junk.
LODGING HOUSE: A dwelling, or that part of a building, in which living space, without kitchen facilities, is let to five (5) or more persons not within the second degree of kinship. "Lodging House" shall include a rooming house, boarding house or tourist home, but not a motel or hotel.
LOT: A parcel of land not divided by a street devoted or intended to be devoted to a certain use, or occupied by a building or group of buildings and the open spaces pertaining thereto. Where there is but one principal use on a premises, the entire premises shall be considered to be one lot. A lot may or may not be platted or recorded lot.
LOT AREA: The area of the lot, not including any area in a public or private street, nor any water area more than ten feet (10') from the shoreline.
LOT CORNER: A lot situated at the intersection of and abutting two (2) streets that have an angle of intersection of not more than one hundred thirty five degrees (135°).
LOT DEPTH: The mean dimension measured from the front lot line to the rear lot line in the main direction of the side lot lines.
LOT LINE: The boundary of a lot that separates it from adjoining land. It may or may not be the boundary of a lot in a recorded subdivision.
LOT WIDTH: The mean distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot mean direction of the side lot lines.
MOBILE HOME LOT: A portion of land within a residential mobile home zoned district used or intended to be used for parking of one mobile home, including required yards and parking area, attached or detached accessory building, and open space.
MOBILE HOME SPACE: A plot of ground within a mobile home park, designed for the accommodation of one mobile home and one automobile.
MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME PARKS: A mobile home or trailer means a vehicular structure which is: a) built on a chassis or frame; b) designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation; c) self-propelled, or capable of being drawn or carried by a motor vehicle; d) used as a dwelling when permanently connected to utilities; e) in an RMH-2 district containing not less than five hundred eighty (580) square feet of useable living area, and having at least two (2) doors which can be used as entrances or exits to or from the mobile home; and f) in an RMH-3 district, containing not less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet of useable living area, and having at least two (2) doors which can be used as entrances or exits to or from the mobile home. This definition is intended to include mobile homes as buildings, structures, and residences, where applicable within all the provisions of this code.
A "mobile home park" means a parcel or tract of land having as its principal use the rental, leasing or occupying of space by two (2) or more mobile homes on a permanent, semipermanent, or overnight basis, including accessory buildings, or uses customarily incidental thereto.
MOTEL OR TOURIST PARK: A building or group of buildings providing sleeping accommodations intended primarily for transient traveling by automobile, arranged with parking space adjacent, or close to each lodging, and with access to the sleeping units directly from the outside, rather than through a lobby or office.
NONCONFORMING BUILDING: A building appurtenant to a conforming use that does not comply with all regulations of this title as to location, floor area ratio, parking facilities or loading facilities, which building was in existence and lawful at the time said regulations became effective.
NONCONFORMING USE: A use of a building or premises that does not conform under the provisions of this title to the use regulations of the district in which it is located, which use was in existence and lawful at the time said use regulations became effective.
PARKING FACILITY: An area or structure located off the right of way of any street, that is used for the parking of motor vehicles, including driveways and aisle areas.
PROFESSION, RECOGNIZED: Architecture, engineering, law, medicine, dentistry or other activity in which specialized services to clients are performed by persons with a similar degree of training.
SIGN: A device for visual communication that is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public, but not including any flag, badge or insignia of any government or governmental agency or of any religious or nonprofit educational organization.
SIGN, AREA OF: The area of a freestanding or attached sign shall be considered to include all lettering, wording and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background, whether open or enclosed, may be part of the design, but for purpose of this title, shall not be considered part of the sign area unless used for lettering, wording or symbols. When the sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to, or painted on the surface, building, wall or window, the area shall be considered to be that of the smallest rectangular or other regular shape which encompasses all of the letters and symbols.
STREET: A way, alley, lane, court, sidewalk, public square or other place that is part of a highway, including all of the right of way between property lines.
STREET FRONTAGE: The distance that a lot line abuts a public or private street.
STRUCTURE: A combination of materials assembled at a fixed location to give support, or shelter, such as a building, bridge, trestle, tower, framework, tank, tunnel, tent, stadium, reviewing stand, platform, bin, sign, flagpole and the like. A fence or wall over six feet (6') high is considered a structure.
USE: The purpose for which land or building is occupied, maintained, arranged, designed or intended.
USE, ACCESSORY: A subordinate use customarily incident to and conducted on the same lot with the principal use of the building.
YARD, EXTERIOR SIDE: The street side yard on a corner lot. An exterior side yard from the front yard line to the rear lot line.
YARD, FRONT: An open space extending across the full width of the lot and bounded by the front lot line, the side lot lines and the nearest wall of the main building.
YARD, SIDE: An open space extending from the front yard line to the rear yard line and bounded further by the side lot line and the nearest wall of a main building. (Ord. 64, 11-17-1971; amd. Ord. 113, 6-11-1980, eff. 6-18-1980; Ord. 199, 11-14-2001; Ord. 210, 1-25-2006)
Illustration Of Application Of Dimensional Requirements On Residential Lots:
Figure 2: Illustration Of Floor Area Ratio Of 1.0:
Elevation: | |||
1/2 lot cover 2 floors | 1/4 lot cover 4 floors | 1/2 lot cover 1 floor and 1/4 lot cover 2 floors | |
Floor area ratio = FAR = | Total floor space Total lot area |
A FAR of 1.0 means that the floor space in the building may equal the lot area to be built upon. There are no height restrictions, so where accessory uses require land area assignments, buildings may account for FAR 1.0 by having more than 1 story.
(Ord. 64, 11-17-1971)