(a) The employee is expected to constantly develop his ability. Improvement may be attained by greater skill in performing assigned tasks, increased work effort, satisfactory completion of work relating to the position and interest in doing a better job. Advancements in wages of first year employees generally shall be considered only upon completion of one year of employment; however, earlier increases may be considered upon the written recommendation of the department head to the Village Administrator in which the reasons for the proposed wage increase are detailed.
(Ord. 2000-10. Passed 10-16-00.)
(b) The written approval of the Village Administrator is required along with the approval of Council before any increase in wages can be granted.
(c) Upon recommendation by a department head, Village Administrator or the Mayor, wage reductions may be enforced. Such action may be taken provided at least two of those named herein concur.
(Ord. 97-13. Passed 12-1-97.)