Whenever there is a conflict or difference between the provisions of this chapter and those of the other chapters of this Zoning Ordinance or other ordinances of the City, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail. Subjects not covered by this chapter shall be governed by the respective provisions found elsewhere in this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 1992-30. Passed 8-4-92.)
(a) The following minimum and maximum requirements shall be observed:
Land Use | Density (Not to Exceed) Units Per Residential Acre | Maximum Height (feet) |
Single-Family | 4 | 35 |
Two-family | 5 | 35 |
3-4 Family Buildings | 6 | 35 |
Multifamily | 7 | 35 |
Churches | 35 | |
Schools |
Diversion of dwellings is encouraged.
(b) For determining density as shown in the above table, "residential acre" does not include main access drives or common open space.
(c) No three or four family or multifamily dwellings may be built within 100 feet of an R-1, R-2 or R-3 District.
(Ord. 1992-30. Passed 8-4-92.)
Minimum floor areas per dwelling unit are as follows:
(a) Single-Family Dwellings | Square Feet |
One story with basement | 1,400 |
One story without basement | 1,400 |
More than one story, with basement | 1,600 |
More than one story, without basement | 1,700 |
(b) Two-Family Dwellings. | |
Ground Floor with basement | 1,000 |
One-story without basement | 1,100 |
More than one story | 1,300 |
(c) Three-four Family Dwellings. | |
One bedroom | 850 |
Two bedrooms | 950 |
Three or more bedrooms | 1,100 |
(d) Multiple-Family Dwellings. | |
Efficiency apartment | 850 |
One bedroom | 850 |
Two bedrooms | 950 |
Three or more bedrooms | 1,100 |
(Ord. 1992-30. Passed 8-4-92.)
There shall be reserved, within the tract to be developed on a planned unit basis, a minimum land area of twenty percent (20%) of the entire tract for use as common open space. Driveways, parking areas and turf or landscaped areas which are exclusively associated with specific dwelling units shall not be computed as part of the required open space. This common open space shall not consist of isolated or fragmented pieces of land which would serve no useful purpose. Included in this common open space may be such uses as pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, parkland, open areas, drainage ways, swimming pools, golf courses, clubhouses, tennis courts and other lands of essentially open character, exclusive of off-street parking areas. Ownership of this common open space shall be transferred to a legal entity and proper legal documents necessary for such transfer or dedication shall be prepared by the owner/developer of the tract of land and approved by Council.
(Ord. 1992-30. Passed 8-4-92.)