Review Committee
1129.01 Definitions.
1129.02 Historic Preservation; purpose.
1129.03 Membership; qualifications; meetings.
1129.04 Committee duties.
1129.05 Authority of Design Committee.
1129.06 Requirements, procedures and area.
1129.07 Designation of Historic District or Listed Property.
1129.08 Minimum maintenance requirement.
1129.09 Zoning and demolition permits.
1129.10 Method of obtaining approval.
1129.99 Penalty.
Board of Appeals - see P. & Z. 1127.03
D-Design Area Criteria - see P. & Z. Ch. 1159
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Alter" or "alteration" means any material or visual change other than maintenance and repair, to the exterior of any listed property or to the interior of any listed property which was listed in part, or in whole, because of the interior's historic or architectural significance. "Normal maintenance and repair" means those alterations that do not require the issuance of a building permit, and/or zoning permit. Interior alterations refer to interior spaces that are publicly accessible, whether due to or caused by an emergency or due to new construction.
(b) "Applicant" means any person, trust, association, partnership or corporation that applies for a zoning or demolition permit for new construction or alteration, demolition or relocation of a listed property.
(d) "Committee" means Historical Preservation Area Review Committee and Design Review Committee.
(e) "Demolition permit" means a permit issued by the City for the razing or removal, in whole or in part, of a structure within the City limits.
(f) "Design Review Area" means the area noted as the Design Review Area on the Official Comprehensive Plan Map (Exhibit A).
(g) "Emergency" means a sudden need for action by means of construction, reconstruction, alteration, demolition or relocation caused by a natural disaster, accident or structural failure. The need for emergency-related replacement shall depend upon the physical condition of the existing structure as well as the cause of the emergency. Any eminent danger to the public may be cited as a cause for replacement.
(h) "Historical District Area" means the area noted as the Historic Preservation Area on the Official Comprehensive Plan Map. (Exhibit B).
(i) "Historical Preservation Authority" means the organization listed and defined in Section 1129.05.
(j) “Owner" means the owner of record according to the Mahoning County Recorder’s Office.
(k) "Structure" means a building, monument, work of art or work of engineering permanently affixed to the land or any material thing of functional, aesthetic, cultural, historical or scientific values that may be, by nature or design, movable, yet related to a specific setting or environment.
(l) “Zoning permit" means a permit to locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change or structurally alter any building or structure within the Municipality.
(m) "Certificate of approval" or "approval" means the zoning permit which is issued subject to the ordinances relating to the Design Review/Historical Preservation Area Review Committee and Districts.
(Ord. 1993-54. Passed 10-5-93.)
The purpose of this chapter are:
(a) To establish procedures whereby certain areas, places, sites, buildings, structures, objects and works of art shall be protected by providing a thorough study of alternatives to prevent incompatible alterations or demolition before such acts are performed, so that the following objectives are reached:
(1) Maintenance and enhancement of distinctive character of historical buildings and historic areas of the City;
(2) Safeguarding the architectural integrity of the City's listed properties and historic resources within designated districts;
(3) Safeguarding the heritage of the City by preserving areas, places, sites, buildings, structures, objects and works of art which reflect elements of the City's cultural, social, economic, political or architectural heritage;
(4) Selecting alternatives to demolition or incompatible alterations within designated areas and to listed properties before such acts are performed;
(5) Providing the widest possible scope of continuing vitality through private renewal and architectural creativity within appropriate controls and standards;
(6) Encouraging new development of vacant land and buildings in accordance with the character of the designated districts and listed properties of the Design Review/Historic Preservation Area Committee;
(b) To contribute to the economic, recreational, cultural and educational development of the City by:
(1) Protecting and enhancing the City's attractions to prospective residents, tourists and visitors;
(2) Providing support and stimulus to business and industry;
(3) Strengthening the economy of the City;
(4) Stabilizing and improving property values;
(5) Fostering civic pride in the beauty and notable accomplishments of the past;
(6) Facilitating the reinvestment in and revitalization of certain older districts and neighborhoods;
(7) Promoting the use and preservation of historic sites and structures for the education and general welfare of the people of the City.
(Ord. 1993-54. Passed 10-5-93.)
(a) Membership. Appointment shall be made by council pursuant to Section 7.09 of the Charter of the Municipality of Canfield.
(b) Compensation. Compensation may be paid to members of the Design Review/Historical Preservation Area Review Committee upon authorization by Council.
(c) Conflicts of Interest. No voting member of the Historical Preservation Area Review Committee shall participate in the review of any item for discussion before such Committee if such member has any direct financial interest in the property involved in such discussion.
(d) Meetings and Public Notice. The Historical Preservation Area Review Committee/Design Review Committee shall hold monthly meetings. All agendas, records and minutes shall be available for public review. In addition, all Committee meetings shall be publicly announced, be open to the public and have a previously advertised agenda. Special meetings shall be held in a public place advertised in advance and open to the public. Furthermore, any rules of procedure and design guidelines adopted by the committee shall be available for public inspection.
(Ord. 1993-54. Passed 10-5-93.)