1115.03 PERMITS.
(a)   Building or zoning permits shall not be issued for any structure on a lot in a subdivision for which a plat has not been approved and recorded in the manner prescribed herein.
(b)   No owner or agent of the owner of any land shall be entitled to permit for the installation of wells and septic tanks upon any lots in a subdivision for which a plat has not been approved and recorded in the manner prescribed herein.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
The City hereby defines its policy to be that the City will withhold all public services of whatsoever nature, including the maintenance of streets and the maintenance of streets and the furnishing of sewage facilities and water service from all subdivisions which have not been approved, and from all areas dedicated to the public which have not been accepted by the Council in the manner prescribed herein.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made in any plat of a subdivision after approval has been given by the Commission, and endorsed in writing on the plat, unless said plat is first resubmitted to Commission.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
1115.06 FEES.
(a)   At the time of submitting a preliminary plan, the subdivider shall pay a filing fee, and the amount of each fee shall be determined from the following schedule:
No. of Lots in Plat
Amount of Fee
2 - 5
6 - 10
11 - 15
16 - 20
26 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
41 - 45
46 - 50
51 - 75
$65.00 plus $1.00 per each lot in excess of 50
76 - 100
$90.00 plus $0.75 for each lot in excess of 75
Over 100
$108.75 plus $0.50 for each lot
in excess of 100
(b)   The filing fee shall be paid in legal tender or by certified check or money order made payable to the City of Canfield, deposited with the Treasurer or Finance Director for transfer to the general fund.
(c)   In addition to the above filing fee, the Subdivider shall submit a cash bond for the cost of engineering review by the City Engineer in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) for all subdivisions. In the event minor review is required of the construction drawings, specifications and the plat, the remaining portion of the bond shall be refunded to the Subdivider. In the event major review is required by the City Engineer, and in the event greater cost than the cash bond is incurred, the Subdivider shall be billed for such additional costs.
(d)   In the event that a plat is disapproved by the Planning Commission before any physical inspection has been made, then the Commission may, at is discretion, order that the developer be refunded an amount not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the filing fee.
(e)   In addition to the above fee, the subdivider shall be charged a fee by the City for the cost of engineering inspection by the City Engineer for all improvements within the subdivision. When the Subdivider’s Agreement is executed, the subdivider shall deposit with the Treasurer or Finance Director an amount of money to pay for engineering inspections which is calculated as follows:
      (1)   For all improvements:
         7% of approved total construction cost.
The cost and expense of such inspection made by the City Engineer or his authorized representative, shall be paid from such deposit upon itemized bills rendered. In the case of such expenditures exceeding such deposit, the excess shall be invoiced to the subdivider for payment. Failure to make such payment within a reasonable time on behalf of the subdivider shall constitute withholding final approval of said plat. In the case of such deposit exceeding said expenditures, the balance will be refunded to the subdivider within a reasonable time after the completion of such inspection.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
1115.99 PENALTY.
(a)   Whoever violates these Regulations adopted by Council or fails to comply with an order, pursuant, thereto, shall forfeit and pay not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day. Such fine will commence from the date of notification to Council of the violation and terminate at such time the violation has been documented to Council as corrected. Such sum may be recovered with costs in a civil action brought in the Court of Common Pleas of the County.
(b)   Whoever, being the owner or agent of any land within or without a municipal corporation, transfers any lot, parcel or tract of such land from or in accordance with a plat of a subdivision before such plat has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder, shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each lot, parcel, or tract by metes and bounds in the deed or transfer shall not serve to exempt the seller from the forfeiture provided in this section.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)