1109.01 GENERAL.
   (a)   The arrangements, character, extent, width and location of major, secondary and minor streets or highways shall conform with the Major Thoroughfare Plan for Canfield, Ohio, and with the provisions of these Regulations. Streets not contained in the Major Thoroughfare Plan shall conform to the recommendation of the Commission based on existing and planned streets, topography, public safety and convenience, and proposed uses of land. However, where any limited access highway or expressway shown on the Major Thoroughfare Plan traverses the tract to be subdivided without providing access thereto, no land is required to be dedicated or left undeveloped for such highway unless an agreement is made between the subdivider and the proper public agency regarding the time and method of acquisition for highway use and the payment of compensation therefore. Where the right-of-way of any other proposed major highway exceeds one hundred (100) feet, the same provision shall apply to the additional width required.
(b)   Due regard shall be shown for the preservation of existing natural features, distinctive site characteristics, outstanding scenic, cultural or historic areas and all such features shall be integrated into the plan to create functional variations in the neighborhood and more attractive building sites.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)