(A)   Permit required. No person shall conduct or sponsor an open-air assemblage, lasting more than six hours and at which it is reasonably anticipated that more than 100 persons will be in attendance, without first having obtained a permit from the Mayor.
(`63 Code, § 507.01)
   (B)   Conditions of permit issuance; bonds. Upon application to the Mayor for an assemblage permit, the Mayor shall issue the permit if he finds that:
      (1)   The purpose of the assemblage is lawful;
      (2)   The applicant presents a written statement from the City- County Board of Health that the sanitary and living facilities available for the assemblage are adequate;
      (3)   The sponsor files a bond in the amount of $50,000 for the payment of damages that may be incurred by the residents of the city to their property or persons by those attending the assemblage.
      (4)   The sponsor files a bond in the amount of $5,000 for the reimbursement to the city of expenses incurred by the city in protecting the lives and property of the residents from damage as a result of the holding of the assemblage.
      (5)   The bonds required by divisions (C) and (D) hereof shall be filed in the office of the Mayor not less than 14 days before the scheduled assemblage date. The failure to file such bonds by not less than 14 days before the scheduled assemblage date shall be grounds for the refusal by the Mayor to issue a permit for the holding of the assemblage.
(`63 Code, § 507.02)
   (C)   Public notice prior to obtaining permit.
      (1)   No person shall cause public notice to be given of the holding of an assemblage as described in division (A) without first having obtained a permit to hold the assemblage.
(`63 Code, § 507.03)
      (2)   Whoever violates this division (C) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(`63 Code, § 507.03)
   (D)   Anyone conducting, sponsoring, or permitting an assemblage as described herein to be held upon his property, without first obtaining the required permit, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. In addition, a violator shall be personally liable for the payment of property damages or injuries sustained by the residents of the city, if inflicted by persons attending the assemblage. If sponsored by a corporation, the board of directors and officers of the corporation shall be personally subject to the penalties and liabilities.
(`63 Code, § 507.99) (Ord. 49-70, passed 8-3-70)
   Boxing and wrestling exhibitions, see §§ 110.10 and 110.11
   Circuses and carnivals, see §§ 111.01 - 111.03
   Disturbing lawful assemblage, see § 132.04