(1) State Contractor's License Required To Engage In Business:
A. Any individual or firm desiring to engage in the business of an electrical contractor must first obtain a current electrical contractor's license from the state. Excepted from this licensing requirement shall be the seller of electrical appliances at retail, who in the regular course of business connects appliances to electrical wiring systems, provided there is no alteration in the system or any required new wiring.
B. The only other exception shall be the homeowner who:
1. Can show proof of ownership.
2. Occupies or intends to occupy the home for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the permit date.
3. A permit to be issued only for residential. (Ord. 1777, 3-21-1988)
(2) City Registration:
A. Required: Before any person shall carry on or engage in the work or business of electrical installations in the city, he/she shall first register at the department of building safety. Every applicant for registration shall present his/her state of Idaho electrical contractor's license. The registration shall be valid for one year starting January 1 of each year regardless of the date the applicant registers. (Ord. 2673, 4-3-2007)
(1) Payment Of Fees: Applicants for permits issued pursuant to this article shall pay to the building official fees established by the building official by rule and regulations subject to the approval of the city council.
(2) Refunds: Before commencement of any activity regulated under the issuance of a valid permit, the building official may authorize the refunding of no more than eighty percent (80%) of permit fees paid, when requested in writing by letter or form, and all rights granted by the permits are terminated. Plan review fees and deposits, if any, shall not be refundable. (Ord. 2910, 5-21-2012)
(3) Permit Revocation: The building official may revoke any permit issued in error, any permit issued on the basis of incorrect information or upon learning of work which has been performed in violation of this code or any other law of the state of Idaho. Upon revocation the permit holder shall cease all work until such time that a new permit has been issued or written notification of reactivation of the nullified permit has been received. (Ord. 3044, 3-7-2016)
The power company shall not connect to or furnish electrical energy to any electrical installation until notified by the building official that the final inspection has been made and the work found satisfactory; provided, that temporary connection may be made upon approval of same by the electrical inspector. The electrical inspector shall have the power to enter any building in the city for the purpose of inspecting any new or existing electrical installation and shall have the power to condemn and cause the removal of or repair of any installation found unsafe and faulty. Notice of such condemnation shall be given the owner or occupant of such building in writing, and if the defects are not corrected within a reasonable time, the electrical inspector shall order the power company to disconnect the service to the building and to refrain from furnishing electrical energy to the building which contains the defective installation. (Ord. 1713, 10-21-1985)
(1) Types Of Wiring In Buildings: For the purpose of this section, group R division 1 occupancies (hotels, motels, and boarding houses, transient in nature) three (3) or more stories in height or containing thirteen (13) or more guestrooms, shall require the electrical wiring to be installed in conduit or in electrical metallic tubing or surface metal raceway. (Ord. 2814, 12-7-2009)
(2) Range Wiring: All range wiring shall be at least three (3) no. 8 B and S gauge wiring of an approved type cable. (Ord. 1713, 10-21-1985)