(1) The purpose of the T-N (traditional neighborhood) zone is to protect, enhance, and revitalize the historical traditional neighborhood areas in accordance with the Caldwell comprehensive plan:
A. To provide for a mix of land uses that allow for residents to live, work, play and shop;
B. To balance the needs for parking and vehicular circulation with the development of a walkable, pedestrian environment; and
C. To further enhance and grow established neighborhood areas for residential and commercial investment.
(2) The purpose of the H-C (highway corridor) zone is to create, preserve and enhance key areas along a highway corridor in accordance with the Caldwell comprehensive plan:
A. To provide for a mix of land uses that allow citizens to live, work and shop and businesses to become established and expand;
B. To enhance properties along highways which are highly visible or transitional in nature by developing, maintaining and expanding highway oriented commercial uses, limited light industrial uses, educational uses, offices and high density residential uses. (Ord. 2864, 5-16-2011)
P = Permitted use S = Special use N = Not permitted |
T-N | H-C |
T-N | H-C | ||
Agribusiness: | |||
Agriculture, general | P | P | |
Farmstand | P | P | |
Grain/crop storage | N | P | |
Greenhouse | P | P | |
Nursery - retail | P | P | |
Nursery - wholesale | N | P | |
Residential: | |||
Single-family dwelling (attached, detached, townhouse) | P | N | |
Single-family dwelling (townhouses only) | P | N | |
Two-family dwelling (duplex) | P | N | |
Three-family dwelling (triplex) | S | N | |
Four-, five-, or six-family dwelling | S | N | |
Multi-family dwelling | N | N | |
Manufactured home | P | N | |
Mobile home | P | N | |
Manufactured home park | S | N | |
Planned unit development - residential | S | S | |
Mixed use planned unit development - with residential | S | S* | |
* Final approval by City Council. | |||
Residential - commercial: | |||
Bed and breakfast | P | S | |
Convalescent home/nursing home/assisted living facility | P | N | |
Daycare center; preschool/homeschool, 13 or more | P | S | |
Dormitory | N | S | |
Family/group daycare home; preschool/homeschool, 12 or fewer | P | P | |
Food bank/soup kitchen | P | N | |
Group home, 9 or more residents | S | N | |
Home occupation | P | P | |
Homeless shelter | S | N | |
RV park/campground | N | S | |
Rooming house/boarding house | S | N | |
Transitional home | S | S | |
Commercial-automotive: | |||
Automotive tow yard | N | N | |
Body shop | S | P | |
Car wash | P | P | |
Gas/service station | P | P | |
Rental lot | N | N | |
Repair services | P | P | |
Sales - new or used manufactured home, mobile home, farm implement | N | N | |
Sales - new or used RV, boat, ATV, trailers, off road, trucks, commercial vehicles | N | N | |
Sales - new passenger vehicles, motorcycles | N | N | |
Sales - used passenger vehicles, motorcycles | N | N | |
Storage - indoor only | N | N | |
Storage - outdoor | N | N | |
Tire repair/sales store | P | P | |
Truck and tractor repair and service | N | N | |
Truck stop | N | N | |
Commercial - medical: | |||
Ambulance service | N | N | |
Clinic - outpatient only | P | P | |
Durable medical equipment | N | N | |
Hospital | N | N | |
Laboratory/research | N | P | |
Medical, dental office | P | P | |
Medical equipment sales/rental | N | N | |
Therapy, rehabilitation | P | P | |
Commercial - retail: | |||
Bakery or bakery goods store | P | P | |
Big box retail | N | P | |
Building supply outlet | N | P | |
Convenience store | P | P | |
Convenience store, with gasoline | P | P | |
Delicatessen | P | P | |
Drugstore/pharmacy | P | P | |
Electronic sales | P | P | |
Equipment sales, rental and services | P | P | |
Flea market | P | P | |
Furniture shop | P | P | |
Gift shop | P | P | |
Grocery store | P | P | |
Gun sales and service | P | P | |
Hardware store | P | P | |
Liquor store | S | S | |
Lumberyard | N | N | |
Retail sales, general | P | P | |
Shopping center | P | P | |
Shopping mall | N | P | |
Commercial - service: | |||
Auction | N | S | |
Bail bond use | S | ||
Bank, credit union - drive-through | P | P | |
Bank, credit union - no drive-through | P | P | |
Barber/beauty shop | P | P | |
Cabinet shop | N | N | |
Catering service | P | P | |
Commercial kennel | N | P | |
Corporate office buildings | P | P | |
Crematorium | N | N | |
Electronic service and repair | P | P | |
Espresso, ice cream, pastry shop | P | P | |
Food stand | P | P | |
Frozen food locker | N | N | |
Funeral home/mortuary | S | S | |
Furniture refinishing | N | N | |
Health club, fitness facility | P | P | |
Home and business services | P | P | |
Hotel | S | P | |
Landscaping business | S | P | |
Laundromat, self-service | P | P | |
Laundry, commercial plant | N | N | |
Ministorage, indoor | N | S | |
Motel | S | P | |
Offices - business, professional | P | P | |
Outdoor storage | N | N | |
Packaging business | P | P | |
Pawnshops | N | N | |
Payday loan and title loan establishments | N | N | |
Photographic studio | P | P | |
Printing and blueprinting | P | P | |
Restaurant - drive-in | P | P | |
Restaurant - no drive-through | P | P | |
Restaurant - with drive-through | P | P | |
Secondhand/thrift store | S | N | |
Security guard quarters | P | P | |
Sign shop | P | P | |
Small engine/equipment repair | S | P | |
Spa | P | P | |
Studio - art, dance, music, voice | P | P | |
Tanning salon | P | P | |
Tattoo parlor | N | N | |
Taxidermy shop | P | P | |
Theater | P | P | |
Theater, drive-in | N | S | |
Theater, outdoor | S | S | |
Tobacco shop | N | N | |
Transit stations | S | P | |
Travel services | P | P | |
Upholstery shop | P | P | |
Veterinary clinic/hospital | S | P | |
Winetasting establishment | P | P | |
Commercial - miscellaneous: | |||
Adult entertainment business | N | N | |
Amusement centers | S | S | |
Arts and crafts shows | P | P | |
Bar - no live entertainment | S | S | |
Bar - with live entertainment | S | S | |
Bowling alley | P | P | |
Club or lodge | S | S | |
Commercial planned unit development | S | S | |
Dance hall/night club | S | -- | |
Event center | S | S | |
Parking garage | S | S | |
Parking lot | S | S | |
Parking lot, stand alone | S | S | |
Temporary use | P | P | |
Industrial - manufacturing: | |||
Aircraft repair and service | N | N | |
Asphalt plant | N | N | |
Cement, concrete, or clay manufacturing | N | N | |
Chemical storage and manufacturing | N | N | |
Factory/assembly plant | N | N | |
Industrial park | N | S | |
Industrial planned unit development | N | S | |
Machine shop | N | N | |
Manufacturing, general | N | S | |
Monument production | N | N | |
Processing, general | N | N | |
Recycling operation | N | N | |
Rendering plant | N | N | |
Sand or gravel yard | N | N | |
Slaughterhouse | N | N | |
Welding shop | N | S | |
Winery/brewery | N | P | |
Wood processing plant | N | N | |
Woodworking shop | N | S | |
Industrial - storage: | |||
Automotive tow yard | N | N | |
Automotive wrecking/salvage yard | N | N | |
Contractor's shop/storage yard | N | P | |
Distribution center | N | N | |
Fuel yard/petroleum storage | N | N | |
Junkyard | N | N | |
Public utility yard | N | S | |
Railroad yard/shops | N | S | |
Refrigerated storage | N | N | |
Sanitary landfill | N | N | |
Trucking terminal/yard | N | N | |
Warehouse and storage | N | S | |
Public and semipublic: | |||
Airport, landing strip | N | N | |
Airport terminal | N | N | |
Cemetery | N | S | |
Church or place of religious worship | P | P | |
College and vocational schools | P | P | |
Community center | S | S | |
Golf course | S | S | |
Hangar - airplane, helicopter | N | N | |
Helipad | N | N | |
Library | S | S | |
Museum | S | S | |
Park or recreational facility | S | S | |
Public administrative office | P | P | |
Public facility/building | S | S | |
School/educational facility, private | P | P | |
School/educational facility, public | P | P | |
Wireless communications facility | S | S | |
Zoo | S | S | |
(Ord. 2864, 5-16-2011; Ord. 2896, 4-2-2012; Ord. 2911, 9-4-2012; Ord. 2939, 10-21-2013; Ord. 2946, 12-16-2013; Ord. 2967, 7-21-2014; Ord. 2982, 2-2-2015; Ord. 3010, 11-16-2015; Ord. 3065, 9-19-2016; Ord. 3102, 9-5-2017; Ord. 3371, 12-6-2021)
Zoning building setbacks, maximum building height and lot dimensions shall be as follows:
Description | T-N | H-C |
Description | T-N | H-C |
Maximum building height (in feet) | 55 | 65 |
Front building setback | 5 | 10 |
Rear building setback | 10 | 0 |
Interior side building setback | 0 | 0 |
Street side building setback | 5 | 10 |
Highway frontage building setback | n/a | 40 |
Minimum interior lot area (in square feet) | 0 | 0 |
Minimum corner lot area (in square feet) | 0 | 0 |
Minimum interior lot width | 0 | 0 |
Minimum corner lot width | 0 | 0 |
Minimum interior lot frontage | 0 | 0 |
Minimum corner lot frontage | 0 | 0 |
Except that commercial, public and quasi-public uses shall have 0 setbacks for front, rear, interior side and street side building setbacks (in feet). Public and Quasi-public uses shall have no maximum height limit consistent the P-D zoning district.
(Ord. 2864, 5-16-2011; amd. Ord. 3559, 12-19-2023)
(1) Signage regulations shall be those as outlined in section 10-02-06 of this chapter for a C-2 Zoning District.
(2) Fencing regulations shall be those as outlined in subsection 10-02-07(4)B of this chapter for commercial, industrial and institutional districts.
(3) Landscaping regulations shall be those as outlined in article 7 of this chapter. (Ord. 2864, 5-16-2011)
10-14-01: Internal Circulation Routes For Multi-Family Developments
(1) Applicability: All multi-family developments shall comply with the standards as set forth in this section. A site plan or plat shall be submitted that accurately designates all dimensions for required parking spaces, vehicular circulation routes, landscaping and sidewalks.
(2) Purpose: The purpose of these regulations related to internal circulation routes for multi-family developments is as follows:
A. To provide for traffic safety, to minimize the impacts on the public circulation system, and to make appropriate connections to surrounding pathways and roadways.
B. To provide for adequate access for emergency services.
C. To provide for internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the development and provide for onsite-to-offsite/offsite-to-onsite movement for residents and/or users of the circulation routes.
(3) Requirements: Internal vehicular circulation routes, where a public street is not required, must comply with the requirements of this subsection and shall provide a safe walking environment and offer natural surveillance for the occupants and/or users.
A. Dimensions:
1. Paved internal vehicular circulation routes shall have a minimum width of twenty-six feet (26'). The Fire Marshal may require additional width for life safety purposes.
2. Parking stalls shall meet the requirements as set forth in Article 2, Section 5 of this chapter.
B. General Construction And Design Requirements:
1. The furthest portion of any structure cannot be more than one hundred and fifty feet (150') from the nearest point of the internal vehicular circulation route, measured in a straight line.
2. Internal vehicular circulation routes that extend further than one hundred and fifty feet (150') from the entrance to the development into said development shall be required to terminate in a fire apparatus turnaround, as set forth in the 2018 International Fire Code.
3. A secondary fire access is required for developments exceeding one hundred (100) total units, unless all structures of the entire development are equipped with fire suppression systems as set forth in the 2018 International Fire Code.
4. Section D105 of the International Fire Code shall apply to all structures that are taller than thirty feet (30').
5. Internal vehicular circulation routes shall be paved with a surface with capability of supporting, at a minimum, two (2) axled vehicles and fire equipment, with at least seventy-five thousand (75,000) pounds gross vehicle weight.
6. Internal vehicular circulation routes shall either be straight or shall have a minimum twenty-eight foot (28') inside and forty-eight foot (48') outside turning radius.
7. External lighting shall be required along and for all internal circulation routes and shall be shown on the site plan and/or preliminary plat.
8. For any lots utilizing internal vehicular circulation routes, the setbacks, dimensioned building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures to the internal vehicular circulation route shall be shown on the preliminary plat or required site plan as an exhibit with the final plat application or building permit application.
9. All internal vehicular circulation routes shall have a pavement design that complies with City standards or provide a geotechnical report specifying pavement section design. Construction plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department for compliance prior to construction.
10. It shall be noted on the final plat or required site plan that, if there are any public utilities located within or under the internal vehicular circulation routes, a utility easement shall be platted and granted to the City. Any required maintenance or repair to the public utility within the utility easement shall take place regardless of any potential damage or destruction to the internal vehicular circulation route as a consequence of the utility maintenance or repair, and repair or replacement shall not be the responsibility of the public utility or the City. The utility company and City shall not be liable for any damage to the internal circulation route due to utility maintenance. The foregoing subsection (3)B.10. and its acknowledgment by the applicable developer is a condition precedent to the approval of all multi-family development, and the same shall be included in the informational material provided by the Planning and Zoning Department to all applicants for preliminary plats for multi-family residential development.
11. No structures may be located within a public utility easement.
C. Street Names: Internal vehicular circulation routes shall be given a name and/or names, in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Caldwell City Code, when said internal vehicular circulation routes serve three (3) or more units.
D. Sidewalks And Landscaping:
1. Internal circulation routes shall have sidewalks, curbing, and gutters along said routes and shall contain pathways throughout the development providing for connectivity and access to a public street. The foregoing improvements shall be constructed to the applicable standards of the Engineering Department of the City of Caldwell.
2. Landscaping for all multi-family developments, internal vehicular circulation routes, pathways, and parking lot islands shall be in accordance with Article 7 of this Chapter.
E. Ownership: Internal vehicular circulation routes shall be identified by note on a required site plan and/or platted as common lots to be owned and maintained by a homeowner's or business owner's association or as perpetual ingress-egress easements to be maintained by a homeowner's or business owner's association. (Ord. 3339, 5-3-2021)