The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) identifies the vision for a portfolio of land uses to implement the City's many diverse goals and objectives and works in conjunction with the text of the Comprehensive Plan, City Code and various policies of the City. The FLUM is not a zoning map and differs in that the FLUM describes the character and type of use that is desired in the future and not necessarily what is currently in place. The Comprehensive Plan contains various future land use designations geographically to identify land use patterns. Various types of zoning and land use may be permitted within each of the designations. Future land use designations are not parcel specific. An adjacent, abutting designation, when appropriate and approved as part of a public hearing with a land development application, may be used, so long as the abutting designation does not cross planned or existing collector or arterial roadways, and provided the proposed project is consistent with the description of the land use designation.
If a parcel on the FLUM indicates a split land use designation, the owner may choose a zoning designation that corresponds to either of the land use designations. (Ord. 3576, 3-19-2024)