   1.   All permanent/commercial signs, which are permitted under this article, or any future amendments thereto shall be installed by licensed sign contractors in accord with the locations and plans approved at the time of application for a sign permit.
   2.   Applications for sign permits must include but are not limited to the following information:
      a.   Proof of ownership or written permission of the owner of the lot upon which the proposed sign will be constructed.
      b.   A detailed site plan of the property showing the proposed sign location and all structures and easements and driveways.
      c.   The proposed dimensions of the sign and a description of the method of supporting the sign.
      d.   The name and business address of the licensed sign contractor and the licensed electrical contractor or licensed electrical sign contractor if the sign is electrically powered.
      e.   The name and contact information of the sign owner.
      f.   Type of sign requested: ground/wall/projecting etc., permanent or temporary illuminated or not illuminated.
      g.   Sign permit fees are as per the fee schedule approved by the City Council.
   3.   Included in the permit fee is an inspection that is required by the city. It is the responsibility of the owner/erector of the sign to contact the City Clerk’s office for an inspection upon completion of the installation.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 4-9-2024)
   1.   Signs erected in violation of the city’s building, electrical or sign codes, or other applicable local regulations established in Chapter 18, Article 5, § 86.
   2.   Other “no sign zones” include:
      a.   Any telephone pole, electrical pole, lamp post, street sign established in Chapter 13, Article 5, § 75.
      b.   No signage shall be placed or maintained on public right of ways or easements. Signs are not to be located in any public park or city owned property.
      c.   Signs are also not allowed in sight triangles at intersections. Signs in these areas are subject to removal by city staff without notice to the property owner because they can obstruct the vision of the traveling public or interfere with pedestrian movements.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 4-9-2024)
   1.   Garage sale signs shall be labeled with the time and date of the sale. If the time and date is not listed on the sign it shall be at the discretion of the city officials to remove said signs.
   2.   Any garage sale signs not picked up the operator of the garage sale with 24 hours of the date and time listed on the advertisement will be considered a public nuisance and the City Clerk’s office will follow the procedure established in Chapter 12, Article 1, § 5.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 4-9-2024)