The boundaries of the four wards within the city shall be as follows:
1. Ward One: the area within the city limits and bounded on the south by the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and bounded on the east by a line described as beginning at the intersection of the center of said railroad track and the east line of the S/2, Section 24, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M.; thence north on the east line of said W/2 to the southwest corner of Caldwell Addition; thence east on the south line of Caldwell Addition to the southeast corner of Caldwell Addition; thence north on the east line of Caldwell Addition and a straight-line extension thereof to the north line of said Section 24; thence east on said north line to its point intersection with the south right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 62; thence westerly on said south right-of-way line to its point of intersection with the east line of SW/4, Section 13, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M.; thence north on said east line to the northeast corner of said SW/4;
2. Ward Two: that area within the city limits and bounded on the west by the east boundary of Ward One plus a line described as beginning at the southeast corner of the Ward One boundary; thence easterly on the center of the Burlington Northern Railroad track to a point north of the northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Crater Creek Estates Part 1; thence south to the northeast corner of said Lot 9; thence southwesterly on the east line of said Lot 9 and a straight-line extension of said line to a point of intersection with the center of North Elk Drive; thence southerly on the center of North Elk Drive to the center East “D” Avenue; thence westerly on the center of East “D” Avenue to the center of South First Street; thence south on the center of South First Street to the center of East “E” Avenue; thence easterly on the center of East “E” Avenue to the center of South Elk Drive; thence south on the center of South Elk Drive to the center of East “G” Avenue; thence easterly on the center of East “G” Avenue to the center of Deer Drive; thence south on the center of Deer Drive to the center of “H” Avenue (AKA Cache Road); thence east on the center of “H” Avenue said line also being the south line of Section 24, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M., to the southeast corner of said Section 24; thence continuing east on the south line of Section 19, T-2-N, R-13-W.I.M. to the southeast corner of said Section 19; thence continuing east on the south line of Section 20, T-2-N, R-13-W.I.M., to the southeast corner of said Section 20;
3. Ward Three: that area within Section 24, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M. not included in the boundaries of Wards One and Two but located within the city limits bounded on the west by a line beginning at the intersection of a straight-line extension of the center of South Sixth Street and the center of the Burlington Northern Railroad track and extending south on the center of South Sixth Street and a straight-line extension thereof to the south line said Section 24. And, all are in Section 25, T-2-N, R-14-W.I.M., within the city limits; and
4. Ward Four: that area within the city limits, bounded on the north by the Burlington Northern Railroad track and the east by the west boundary of Ward Three.
1. A map depicting the current corporate boundaries of the city shall be maintained and displayed in the office of the City Clerk.
2. This map shall reflect all current annexation and de-annexation ordinances and orders, all plat and/or street vacation orders, and all official street names and shall represent the official map of the corporate boundaries of the city.
3. This map may be combined with the official zoning districts map (See Article 3 of this Chapter 20). All dedicated streets and alleys shall be shown on this map; vacated streets and alleys shall not be shown on said map, but shall be re-drawn by the methods provided by Oklahoma Statutes.
4. This map shall be available for public inspection.