Screening shall be required in order to conceal specific areas of high visual impact from both on-site and off-site views. Such areas shall be screened at all times, unless otherwise specified, regardless of adjacent uses, districts, or other proximate landscaping material.
   8.2.1   Items to be screened.
   (A)   Large waste receptacles (dumpsters) and refuse collection points (including cardboard recycling containers);
   (B)   Loading and service areas;
   (C)   Outdoor storage areas (including storage tanks) unless otherwise excepted from the outdoor storage screening requirement; and
   (D)   Ground level mechanical equipment and utility meters.
   8.2.2   Screening methods. The following items are permitted for use as screening materials. Alternative screening materials that are not listed may be used if it is determined they are comparable to these screening materials.
   (A)   Vegetative material. Planting materials meeting the standards for a Type B buffer.
   (B)   Berms. Earthen berms shall measure at least two feet in height. Berms shall be covered with grass and shall be planted with other landscaping materials consistent with the requirements for a Type B buffer.
   (C)   Fencing. An opaque wooden fence, or a plastic, or vinyl designed fence that is configured to appear as an opaque wooden fence, measuring at least six feet in height, but not exceeding eight feet in height, that is consistent with the standards in § 8.1, Fences and Walls. When wood is utilized, only treated wood or rot-resistant wood, such as cypress or redwood, shall be used. Chain link, barbed wire, stock wire, hog wire, chicken wire, and similar type fences are not permitted unless specifically allowed by another section of this ordinance.