§ 152.07   COLOCATION.
   (A)   It is the policy of the city to minimize the overall number of newly established locations for wireless communication facilities and wireless communication support structures within the community, and encourage the use of existing structures for attached wireless communication facility purposes, consistent with the statement of purpose and intent set forth in § 152.01 of this code, above.  Each licensed provider of a wireless communication facility must, by law, be permitted colocate sufficient facilities in order to achieve the objectives promulgated by the U.S. Congress.  However, particularly in light of the dramatic increase in the number of wireless communication facilities reasonably anticipated to occur as a result of the change of federal law and policy in and relating to the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, it is the policy of the city that all users should colocate on attached wireless communication facilities and wireless communication support structures in the interest of achieving the purposes and intent of this ordinance, as stated above, and as stated in § 152.01 of this code.  If a provider fails or refuses to permit colocation on a facility owned or otherwise controlled by it, where colocation is feasible, the result will be that a new and unnecessary additional structure will be compelled, in direct violation and in direct contradiction to the basic policy, intent, and purpose of the city.  The provisions of this ordinance are designed to carry out and encourage conformity with this policy.
   (B)   Colocation shall be deemed to be feasible for purposes of this section where all of the following are met:
      (1)   The wireless communication provider entity under consideration for colocation will undertake to pay market rent or other market compensation for colocation;
      (2)   The site on which colocation is being considered, taking into consideration reasonable modification or replacement of a facility, is able to provide structural support;
      (3)   The colocation being considered is technologically reasonable; for example, the colocation will not result in unreasonable interference, given appropriate physical and other adjustment in relation to the structure, antennas, and the like; and
      (4)   The height of the structure necessary for colocation will not be increased beyond a point deemed to be permissible by the city, taking into consideration the several standards contained in §§ 152.05 and 152.06 of this code.
   (C)   A special communication facility approval application shall not be approved for the construction and use of a new wireless communication facility unless and until the applicant demonstrates that a feasible colocation is not available for the coverage area and capacity needs.
   (D)   All new and modified wireless communication facilities shall be designed and constructed so as to accommodate colocation.