(A)   All applications submitted for SCFA consideration where the proposed facility or structure is proposed to be located within any area of the city not zoned M-1 or M-2, pursuant to Chapter 157, as amended, but which facility or structure is located at a site as given in subsections (A)(1) - (A)(3) below, shall be reviewed by the City Council in accordance with, and subject to, the standards and conditions as set forth in § 152.05 of this code; provided, however, that the applicant demonstrates to the City Council’s satisfaction that the intended users and invitees of that publicly owned land shall be safe and that the proposed facilities and structures would not significantly adversely impact the use and enjoyment of the public facility:
      (1)   A municipally owned site;
      (2)   Some other governmentally owned site; or
      (3)   A public park and other large permanent open space areas.
   (B)   All applications submitted for SCFA consideration where the proposed facility or structure is proposed to be located or altered within any area of the city not zoned M-1 or M-2, pursuant to Chapter 157, as amended, not specifically addressed by subsection (A) above, shall be reviewed by the City Council in accordance with, and subject to, the following standards and conditions:
      (1)   All of those standards and conditions as set forth in § 152.05(B) above;
      (2)   The applicant shall demonstrate that a location upon property zoned M-1 or M-2 cannot reasonably meet the coverage or capacity needs of the applicant; and
      (3)   Wireless communication facilities shall be of a design such as, without limitation, a steeple, bell tower, or other form which is compatible with the existing character of the proposed site, neighborhood, and general area, as approved by the City Council.
   (C)   The City Council may approve such an application with any conditions to ensure that the facility will be constructed, maintained, and removed in accordance with these standards and conditions.