   Objections to the proposed vacation, discontinuance, or abolishment may be filed with the City Clerk in writing prior to the meeting thereon, and if any such objection shall be filed, the street, alley, or public ground, or any part thereof, shall not be vacated, discontinued, or abolished, except by concurring vote of 2/3 of the City Council members attending the meeting and voting thereon.
   Whenever any street, alley, or public ground shall be vacated, discontinued, or abolished by resolution of the City Council at the meeting called for that purpose, or at any later adjourned meeting of the Council when the purpose of the adjournment was for further study of the proposal and the date of the adjourned meeting was publicly stated at the original meeting or later adjournment thereof, then a copy of the resolution shall be filed in the office of the County Register of Deeds and also with the State Treasurer.  The recording shall contain an accurate description of the lands comprising any such street, alley, or public ground or part thereof which is vacated, discontinued, or abolished, and the resolution shall be prima facie evidence of all matters contained therein.
   The vacation, discontinuance, or abolishment of any street, alley, or public place shall not terminate any existing easement rights for public utilities unless specifically so stated in the resolution, and the city does herewith specifically reserve for itself or its agent the right of use of any such street, alley, or public ground for use for future public utilities of storm or sanitary sewer and public water supply, which future right of usage shall include sufficient ground within the original street, alley, or public ground to permit original construction of these public utilities and continued maintenance thereafter, which right of use shall continue for an unlimited time thereafter.  These rights of use reserved to the city or its agents shall continue regardless of the vacation, discontinuance, or abolishment unless specifically stated otherwise in the resolution of the Council.
   The City Council shall establish, by resolution, a fee to be charged to any person, firm, or corporation for petitions for the vacation of any street, alley, or public ground or any part thereof under the terms of this ordinance.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant of any premises within the jurisdictional boundaries of the city to fail to remove any snow or ice which may accumulate on any sidewalk adjacent to the premises within 24 hours after the cessation of any storm and to keep that sidewalk free from obstructions.
   (B)   Violation of this section shall be a municipal civil infraction.
   (A)   No person, firm, or corporation shall construct, repair, or replace any sidewalk or crosswalk under the jurisdiction of or under the control of the city without a permit from the City Council.  The City Council shall establish a charge for each such permit, and may from time to time amend said charge by Council resolution.
   (B)   All sidewalks and crosswalks in the city shall be constructed, repaired, and maintained in accordance with state law and any rules, regulations, and requirements of the city.
   (C)   No person, firm, or corporation shall break, injure, tear up, or remove any sidewalk or crosswalk or make any excavation under same without first having obtained permission of the Department of Public Works; and it shall be the duty of every person breaking, tearing up, or removing any sidewalk or crosswalk or making any excavation under same, as speedily as practicable and under the direction or supervision of the Department of Public Works, to replace, relay, and make good, and put in as good order and repair as before to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, every such sidewalk or crosswalk as the case may be; and if the earth shall settle, the person, firm, or corporation shall fill the same from time to time as may be necessary to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works; and any person, firm, or corporation doing any of the above shall erect a suitable railing or barrier around the repair, replacement, or excavation and also place red lights during the night on same as the Department of Public Works may deem necessary for the protection and safety of the public.  And any person, firm, or corporation making the construction, repair, replacement, and excavation, as above outlined, shall pay the entire cost thereof and save the city harmless therefrom.
   (D)   Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to cut, remove, or replace any sidewalk or crosswalk shall make application to the city’s Department of Public Works for a permit to do so; and if there appears no valid opposition to the work, a permit for same may be granted by the city’s Department of Public Works on payment of a permit fee as the City Council may from time to time determine.  This work shall be done under the inspection of the city’s Department of Public Works.
   (E)   The cost of the construction, repair, or work may be assessed against the property.