Wastewater Pretreatment Standards
933.01   Purpose and policy.
933.02   Definitions.
933.03   General discharge prohibitions.
933.04   Pretreatment.
933.05   Limitations on wastewater strength.
933.06   Accidental discharges/slug discharge control.
933.07   Bypass not violating applicable pretreatment standards or requirements.
933.08   Bypass notice.
933.09   Prohibition of bypass.
933.10   Fees.
933.11   Wastewater contribution permits.
933.12   Reporting requirements for permittees.
933.13   Monitoring facilities.
933.14   Inspection and sampling.
933.15   Confidential information.
933.16   Reporting requirements for City.
933.17   Allocation of pollutant loadings to local industries.
933.18   Allocation of restricted substance limitations.
933.19   Notification of changed discharge.
933.20   Testing procedures.
933.21   Emergency suspension of service and discharge permits.
933.22   Revocation of permit.
933.23   Notice of violation; administrative adjustment.
933.24   Show cause hearing.
933.25   Judicial proceedings.
933.26   Enforcement actions; annual publication.
933.27   Right of appeal.
933.28   Operating upsets.
933.29   Schedule of compliance.
933.30   Records retention.
933.31   Removal credits.
933.32   Net/gross calculations.
933.33   Recovery of costs incurred by the authority.
933.34   Falsifying information.
933.35   Severability.
933.36   Conflict.
933.37   Requirements of persons or entities outside the City that connects to the City's sewage system.
933.99   Penalty.
   Interference with sewage flow - see Ohio R.C. 727.44 et seq.
   Sewage districts - see Ohio R.C. 727.44 et seq.
   Untreated sewage - see Ohio R.C. 3701.59
   Sewer definitions - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 921
   Sewage discharges - see S.U. & P.S. 931.01, 931.02
   Industrial wastes - see S.U. & P.S. 931.02