The minimum and maximum parking spaces for shopping centers required in Table 1276-1 are based on typical tenant mixes where restaurant, theater and entertainment uses occupy up to 20 percent of gross leasable area (GLA) of a shopping center. In cases where restaurant, theater and entertainment uses occupy more than 20 per cent of GLA, the mixed use parking methodology in Section 1276.07(b) shall be used to determine the minimum number of parking spaces required. In such cases, the maximum number of allowable spaces shall not exceed the minimum by more than 25 per cent.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
Applicants may present data to the Planning Commission demonstrating that the standard parking requirements in Table 1276-1 may not be appropriate for a particular use or development proposal, including less parking than the required minimum or more than the required maximum. In such cases, the applicant shall have the responsibility of presenting data and other supporting evidence that another standard is more appropriate, based on factors such as unusual automobile ownership or use patterns of employees, tenants or other users, or where the nature of the operational aspects of the proposed use warrants unique parking arrangements. In reviewing such requests, the Planning Commission shall be guided by the procedures and standards in Section 1276.15.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
(a) Institutions and Places of Assembly. Institutions and places of assembly may make arrangements with business establishments which normally have different hours of operation for sharing up to, but not more than, 25 percent of their parking requirement, subject to approval by the Planning Commission. In considering a request for shared parking, the Commission shall review the peak parking demand hours for the different uses, the extent to which those peak hours are off-setting and the cumulative peak parking demand for the different uses. The Commission shall require a written agreement covering off-site shared parking.
(b) Mixed Use Development. Developments which contain a mix of uses on the same parcel, as set forth in Table 1276-02 may reduce the amount of required parking in accordance with the following methodology:
(1) Determine the minimum parking requirements in accordance with Table 1276-1 for each land use as if it were a separate use;
(2) Multiple each amount by the corresponding percentages for each of the five time periods set forth in Columns (B) through (F) of Table 1276-2;
(3) Calculate the total parking demand for each time period;
(4) Select the column with the highest total and use this number as the required minimum number of parking spaces.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)
(a) Yard Restrictions. Parking and loading areas shall not occupy any part of a required front yard in an I-L District, except that parking and loading may be located in one of the front yards on a corner lot. For a multifamily development, parking shall not occupy any part of a required front yard and shall be at least five feet from a side or rear property line. In all Commercial Districts, uses shall provide and maintain a landscaped strip, as required in Chapter 1282, with a minimum width of 10 feet adjacent to all street right-of-way lines. In Commercial Districts, other than C-O Districts, parking shall be at least five feet from a side or rear property line when adjacent to a Residential District or to a multifamily development.
(b) Distance of Parking Spaces from Use. Parking spaces required for dwelling units shall be located on the lot. Parking spaces required for commercial and industrial uses shall be located on the lot or within 500 feet of the use, measured along lines of public access to the property, but shall not be allowed in Residential Districts.
(c) Continuation and Maintenance of Facilities. Off-street parking and loading facilities accessory to an existing use shall be continued and maintained in operation and shall not be reduced below the requirements of this chapter or detached from the use to which they are accessory, unless an equivalent number of spaces is provided for such use in another location approved by the Commission.
(Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)