Parking and circulation areas, pedestrian areas and related outdoor use areas shall be illuminated to provide safety and security for the users of these areas, to provide security for property, and to maintain privacy for adjacent residential properties. Exterior lighting shall be designed, installed and maintained according to the following standards:
   (a)   Illumination Levels. Except as provided in (b) below, exterior lighting shall provide minimum maintained horizontal footcandle (fc) illumination as follows:
Activity Type                        Maintained Footcandles
Parking and pedestrian area      0.6 fc minimum
Property security only      0.2 fc minimum
Vehicle use only                 1.0 fc average
Exterior lighting in parking and pedestrian areas may be reduced to the property security level during hours when these areas are not in use.
   (b)   Residential Parking. The minimum illumination levels in (a) above shall not apply to residential or multiple family parking areas with ten or fewer parking spaces. These areas shall be provided with appropriate residential-type luminaires as shown on site plans approved by the Planning Commission according to the provisions of Chapter 1278 .
   (c)   Uniformity Ratio. Average illumination levels shall not exceed four times the minimum level.
   (d)   Light Trespass. In order to maintain privacy, exterior lighting shall be designed and maintained to provide a maximum of one horizontal footcandle illumination at side or rear property lines which are adjacent to a residential use or zoning district.
   (e)   Luminaire Height.
      (1)   The maximum luminaire height in the C-0 Office-Commercial District shall be 10 feet.
      (2)   The maximum luminaire height in other districts shall be twenty-five feet. However, the City Planning Commission may approve greater heights upon a showing by the applicant that the additional height complies with both of the following standards:
         A.   The additional height is necessary to efficiently illuminate outdoor areas; and
         B.   The additional height will have no adverse effect on adjacent properties.
   (f)   Glare. Exterior lighting shall be designed and maintained so that glare is not cast on adjacent properties, regardless of use, or on adjacent streets. Except in industrial districts, all luminaires over ten feet in height shall be cut- off types which include shields or other devices which eliminate all light above an angle of 85 degrees, as measured from the nadir of the vertical axis of the light source. See Figure 2 at the end of this Chapter. For the purpose of this subsection, glare is defined as the brightness of a light source which causes eye discomfort.
   (g)   Intermittent Light. No intermittent, flickering, moving, strobe or similar types of light, either inside or outside a building, shall be visible from the street or from adjacent properties.
   (h)   Exclusions. The standards in this section do not apply to street lighting or to outdoor recreation activities. Lighting not being reviewed for site plan conformity shall be excluded from the provisions of subsection (a) of this section.
   (i)   Enforcement. Site plans submitted to the City Planning Commission shall include data analyses, prepared by persons competent to do so, that the proposed exterior lighting system complies with the standards in this section. Subsections (d) and (e) hereof shall be corrected or cited according to the provisions of Section 1244.10 (d).
      (Ord. 50-05. Passed 4-25-05.)