(a) Scrap or waste matter regularly produced or accumulated as a part of, or in the carrying on of, a manufacturing or industrial process or commercial food packing or preparation process shall not be considered trash or garbage within the meaning of this chapter and shall not be collected as such.
(b) Debris such as earth, brickbats, broken concrete, broken plaster, and other materials resulting from or accumulated in the construction, alteration, major repair, razing or destruction of any building or structure shall not be considered to be trash within the meaning of this chapter and shall not be collected as such.
(Ord. 261. Passed 2-2-60.)
(a) The Municipality is authorized to collect trash and garbage; including recyclables, within the corporate limits.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, or employer or agent thereof, other than the authorized collector of garbage and trash, the authorized collector of recyclables, or other person authorized by Council, to collect, or move, or appropriate, or dispose of any garbage or trash, including recyclables. A person producing garbage or trash, including recyclables, may place it or cause it to be placed in a proper container however, the person shall still be required to pay for the collection services from the Municipality unless specifically exempted by Council as set forth above.
(Ord. 1995-12. Passed 10-17-95.)
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or deposit any garbage or trash upon any street, alley, or public way or place within the Municipality, or in or upon any vacant land or building without permission so to do from the owner thereof, excepting placement along streets or alleys of garbage or trash properly prepared for collection as provided by this chapter, in accordance with rules and regulations made and promulgated by the Municipal Manager.
(Ord. 261. Passed 2-2-60.)
(a) The following shall be the quarterly rates charged by the City of Brookville for trash and garbage collection and shall be based upon the number of collections per week and the amount of trash and garbage collected. The following rate schedule shall apply effective with the March 2023 billing for refuse collection for December 2022 through February 2023:
CLASS I: The minimum charge to be paid by each dwelling unit having not more than one cubic yard or less of garbage and trash per week and not more than one stop per week. Rate to be sixty dollars ($60.00) per quarter.
CLASS II: The minimum charge to be paid by each commercial (business, industrial, professional, etc.) place having not more than one cubic yard or less of garbage and trash per week and not more than one stop per week. Rate to be seventy-four dollars and fifty cents ($74.50) per quarter.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 2-7-23.)
(b) Any additional pickups or yardage over and above a customer's certain classification shall be charged at actual costs as determined by the Municipal Manager.
(c) There shall be a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the total refuse bill added if the bill is not timely paid within twenty-five days after the billing date.
(Ord. 1993-05. Passed 5-4-93.)
(d) There shall be a ten percent (10%) discount on the quarterly refuse billing for senior citizens or permanently and totally disabled citizens who apply for the discount and qualify for the discount. To receive the ten percent (10%) discount on the quarterly refuse billing, the refuse account customer shall meet the following qualifications:
(1) Be 65 years old or older, or permanently and totally disabled, at the time of application; and
(2) Have a total household income that does not exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000);and
(3) Own or rent your residence in the City of Brookville at the time of application for the discount, and reside in that residence.
An application for this ten percent (10%) senior citizen or permanently and totally disabled refuse discount shall be completed annually, and the applicant shall provide a copy of the current year tax return or other evidence of income deemed appropriate by the Finance Director to establish that the applicant qualifies for the discount. Upon approval of the application for the ten percent (10%) discount, the ten percent (10%) discount shall apply to the next quarterly billing after approval of the application. The ten percent (10%) discount shall continue for a period of one (1) year from the date of the application, and then the refuse consumer must reapply to continue to receive the ten percent (10%) discount. (Ord. 2017-17. Passed 12-19-17.)
(e) The City of Brookville shall provide trash collection of yard wastes including garden residues, leaves, grass clippings, shrubbery, and tree limbs less than one quarter inch in diameter under the basic trash collection fees in subsection 957.06(a). The City of Brookville shall provide tree limb chipping and collection for tree limbs greater than one-quarter inch in diameter but less than four inches in diameter at a minimum charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first ten minutes of chipping service, and two dollars ($2.00) for each additional minute of service in excess of ten minutes. Any charges for tree limb chipping and collection by the City shall be invoiced to the property owner; if the invoice remains unpaid for thirty days or more, the charge shall be placed on the utility bill for the property.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 2-7-23.)
(a) The charges as set forth in Section 957.06 are authorized to be placed on the water and sewer bill, to be collected with the water and sewer charges by the Municipal Manager.
(b) No partial payments on such service bill for water, sewer, and trash and garbage collection shall be accepted.
(c) Any unpaid charges accrued on the ledger of the water and sewer funds shall be treated as otherwise provided in the case of unpaid delinquent water and sewer charges.
(Ord. 261. Passed 2-2-60.)