(a) Creation. There is hereby created the position of Alternate Plan Examiner for the City.
(b) Appointment. The Alternate Plan Examiner shall be appointed by the Plan Examiner, serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and will work with the Building Commissioner.
(c) Qualifications. The Alternate Plan Examiner shall be certified by the State Board of Building Standards pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3781.10(A) and (E) and to the regulations for certification adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards.
(d) Duties. The Alternate Plan Examiner shall review all plans under the jurisdiction of the Ohio Building Code, and shall recommend to the Building Commissioner the issuance or refusal of permits on the basis of conformity with the Ohio Building Code.
(e) Compensation. The Alternate Plan Examiner shall be paid a fee for the inspection and review of plans as outlined in Chapter 1315. All fees shall be paid to the City by the person, organization or company submitting the plans and specifications for review.
(Ord. 6576-1984. Passed 9-18-84; Ord. 9806-2012. Passed 12-4-12.)