(a) Appointment and Term. The Administrative Assistant to the Building Commissioner shall be appointed by the Mayor and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor under the supervision of the Building Commissioner. The term of appointment of the Administrative Assistant to the Building Commissioner shall be concurrent with that of the Mayor's.
(b) Compensation. Compensation for the Administrative Assistant to the Building Commissioner shall be set by Council.
(c) Duties. The Administrative Assistant to the Building Commissioner shall serve as Secretary to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Under the general direction of the Building Commissioner or Assistants, the Administrative Assistant to the Building Commissioner is responsible for performing varied and complex secretarial duties involving the exercise of considerable judgment based on the policies and regulations off the Building Department; perform related tasks as required; provide for the usual high-level secretarial service required; and
(1) Take and transcribe dictation; open and distribute mail; type billings, tax form reports, refund requests, memos, correspondence, stencils, legal notices, and related materials; and
(2) Maintain various type of records; answer telephone inquiries; accept payment of fees; post payroll records; perform research and compile reports; fold letters and insert in envelopes; maintain list of accounts; research information for the Building Department heads; and
(3) Receive payment from taxpayers; check building permits for completeness; review monthly computer printouts and make any necessary adjustment; and maintain files.
(d) Qualifications. The Administrative Assistant to the Building Commissioner shall have thorough knowledge of modern office practice, procedure and equipment; considerable knowledge of business English, and arithmetic; some knowledge of the elementary principles of accounting and business administration; good judgment in making decisions in accord with established precedents; ability to handle routine administrative details; ability to type; ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with others; ability to write and speak effectively; ability to maintain records and prepare reports; and any combination of training and experience equivalent to completion of the twelfth school grade and five years of experience as secretary to a high-level administrator or executive. (Ord. 6794-1986. Passed 1-21-86.)