(a) Vehicle Marking. All vehicles owned or leased by the City, except those used for police investigation purposes, shall be clearly marked as provided in Section 103.03.
(b) Permitted Usage of Vehicles. Except as provided in subsection (d) hereof, all vehicles owned or leased by the City shall be used exclusively to facilitate the operation of City business or to perform services provided by the City. Personal use of any vehicle owned or leased by the City is strictly prohibited.
(c) Storage of Vehicles. Except as provided in subsection (d) hereof, all vehicles owned or leased by the City shall be kept or stored on City-owned or City-leased premises when not in use for City purposes.
(d) Authorization for Income Exemption.
(1) The Mayor shall designate those employees whose duties on behalf of the City make it essential for such employees to have immediate access to an automobile owned or leased by the City at all times.
(2) An employee designated by the Mayor as prescribed in subsection (d)(1) hereof may be assigned by the Mayor to have the use of a particular City owned or City-leased automobile. An employee so designated and assigned a City automobile may use such automobile for the purpose of commuting between his personal residence and such other locations where the employee is required to perform his official duties, and may further keep or store such automobile at his personal residence when not in use for City purposes.
(3) The Mayor shall keep a current list of all employees who have been designated and assigned a City automobile as authorized by this subsection. Such list shall indicate the name of each such employee, together with the employee's residence address, the automobile assigned, the employee's position and the reason for assigning the automobile.
(4) Any employee who has been designated and assigned a City automobile in compliance with the provisions of this subsection shall be exempt from any income considerations on account of such employee's use of such automobile for the purpose of commuting between the employee's personal residence and such other locations where the employee is required to perform his official duties.
(e) General Income Exemption. In addition to the exemption from income considerations provided in subsection (d)(4) hereof, there shall be a general exemption from income considerations for any City employee using any vehicle owned or leased by the City in an authorized manner for the ordinary discharge of the employee's official duties.
(f) Income Consideration. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any employee or official of the City who uses any vehicle owned or leased by the City for commuting to and from work, or any other personal use, shall, in accordance with Internal Revenue Service regulations for the private use of municipal vehicles, have added into their taxable wages said prescribed amount, but not less than three dollars ($3.00) per day. Additionally, the City may take disciplinary action for the unauthorized use of a City vehicle.
(Ord. 6766-1985. Passed 10-1-85; Ord. 8934-2002. Passed 10-1-02.)