The following table identifies the specific development standards that apply to each of the residential zoning districts.
Minimum Front Yard Setback
(see D)
25 feet
20 feet (see F)
20 feet (see F)
Minimum Side Yard Setback
5 feet with combined total of 15 feet
5 feet or 0 feet for
single-family attached (see F)
5 feet with combined total of 15 feet (see F
Minimum Rear Yard Setback
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
Minimum Lot Width (as measured at the building line)
65 feet
65 feet or 20 feet for single-family
65 feet or 20 feet for single-family
150 feet
Minimum Lot Area
7,500 sq. ft. per DU
6,000 sq. ft. per DU or 3,000 sq. ft. per DU for two-family and single-family attached
6,000 sq. ft. per DU or 3,000 sq. ft. per DU for two-family and single-family attached
Minimum Development Area of 5 Acres
Maximum Density
8 DU per Acre
Minimum Floor Area
1,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit
1,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit
700 sq. ft. for 1- bedroom/studio units plus 100 sq. ft. for each additional bedroom
700 sq. ft. for 1- bedroom/studio units plus 100 sq. ft. for each additional bedroom
Maximum Lot Coverage of the Principal Structure(s)
25% or 75% for single-family attached
25% or 75% for single-family attached
Maximum Impervious Surface
(see E)
60% in the rear yard and 30% in
the front yard
Maximum Height (see A)
35 feet
35 feet
55 feet
30 feet
Minimum Accessory Structure
Per 1103.09(a)
Per 1103.09(a)
Per 1103.09(a)
Maximum Accessory Structure Height (see B)
15 feet for detached garages and 12 feet for all other structures
15 feet for detached garages and 12 feet for all other structures
15 feet for detached garages and 12 feet for all other structures
10 feet
Minimum Parking Setback
20 feet
15 feet
Terminology: sq. ft. = Square foot/Square Footage, DU=Dwelling Unit, N/A=Not Applicable
   (a)   Building Height Regulations. Height exceptions for architectural projections are regulated in Section 1104.06(b). In the A-H District, any building that exceeds thirty-five (35) feet is required to provide an additional one (1) foot of side and rear yard setbacks for every foot of building height that exceeds thirty-five (35) feet.
   (b)   Accessory Building Height Regulations. In no case shall an accessory building, which is located within 100 feet of the principal building, exceed the height of the principal building.
   (c)   Frontage Regulations.
      (1)   In all the residential districts, every dwelling unit shall have access to, and shall front upon, a public or private street that is designed to meet the public design standards.
      (2)   Panhandle lots (otherwise known as flag lots) are not permitted within the residential zoning districts.
   (d)   Corner Lot Front Yard Setbacks. For a corner lot, the street frontage that does not include the primary entrance and associated distinguishing features that identify the front of a structure, the required setback shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in the SF-DH district and five feet in the D-H and A-H Districts.
   (e)   Maximum Impervious Surface Regulations. The maximum impervious surface regulations apply to single-family detached dwellings only in the D-H and A-H Zoning Districts.
    (f)   Attached Single-Family Regulations.
      (1)   Single-family attached dwellings in the D-H and A-H Districts may be built to the side property line, as long as ten (10) feet is maintained between each separated group of dwelling units.
      (2)   In the D-H and A-H Districts, dwellings (including single-family detached, single- family attached, and two-family) that have front garage access shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the property line. Dwellings that have rear garage access or other parking facilities located to the side of or behind the principal building shall have a maximum setback of twenty (20) feet from the front property line. Dwellings are encouraged to be set close to the street with rear parking and garage access.
Figure 1104.02-1: Setback and Separation Requirements for Attached Single-Family Dwellings
   (g)   MF-PD Supplementary Regulations.
      (1)   Approval. A proposed multifamily planned development shall be reviewed according to the requirements specified in this section. The applicant shall submit the required number of plans as identified on the required application or by the Zoning Inspector.
       (2)   Density. In the MF-PD District, the maximum density may be increased from eight (8) units per acre to ten (10) units per acre subject to the following:
         A.   The density increase shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission.
         B.   The minimum development size shall be five (5) acres.
         C.   The building materials of all exterior walls of the main and accessory buildings shall be faced with masonry materials, such as brick or stone, or as approved by the Planning Commission.
         D.   Each unit shall be provided a minimum of one (1) underground or attached garage space.
      (3)   Parking. At least two and one-half (2.5) parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit. At least one (1) of those spaces shall be located in an enclosed garage (which may be attached or detached from the principal structure).
      (4)   Private Open Space. At least 200 square feet of adjacent private open space is required per dwelling unit.
      (5)   Common Open Space. At least 750 square feet of land per dwelling unit shall be reserved as common open space in each MF-PD development project. Land designated as common open space shall conform to the following:
         A.   Common open space shall consist of land or a combination of land and water of such condition, size, and shape as to be usable for active recreation or scenic enjoyment as appropriate to the site, the surrounding area, and the expected resident population.
         B.   Such areas shall not contain any structures other than those related to recreational use and shall not include roads, parking areas, or private open space.
         C.   Required yard setback and buffer arears shall be excluded in the computation of common open space.
       (6)   Landscaping. Any portion of the development area not used for permitted main and accessory uses shall be landscaped with vegetative ground cover shrubs and trees in accordance with an overall landscaping plan acceptable to the Planning Commission. Such landscaping shall be maintained in good condition. In the development of property, existing trees and significant vegetation shall be retained wherever feasible and desirable.
      (7)   Storage Space. There shall be a minimum of forty (40) square feet of enclosed, adjacent storage space per unit.
      (8)   Fire Prevention. All dwelling units shall have at least one (1) smoke detectors and fire walls, or as required by the City's adopted Fire Code.
      (9)   Pedestrian Circulation. Each attached single-family dwelling unit shall be served by a comprehensive walkway system adequately separated from vehicular circulation, connecting residential buildings to parking and recreation areas.
      (10)   Frontage and Access.
         A.   All developments shall front on and have access to a major or secondary dedicated street.
         B.   All public street improvements (paving, curbs, sidewalks, sanitary sewers, etc.) shall comply with the City standards. All private street improvements shall be approved by the Public Service Director or City Engineer.
      (11)   Utilities.
         A.   All development applicants shall provide to the Planning Commission, Council, and the City Engineer, information concerning their plans for providing sewer and water facilities to the tract. Such sewer and water facilities shall have sufficient capacity to serve the site without endangering the system's capacity to meet commitments elsewhere.
         B.   All utilities shall be placed underground and approved by the Public Service Director or City Engineer.
      (12)   Building Design.
         A.   In order to enhance privacy and encourage attractive building arrangements, the alignment of buildings should be varied and the facades of not more than every two (2) dwelling units shall be offset by at least sixteen (16) inches.
          B.   Attractive variations in such things as façade, width, color, exterior material, and roof lines shall be deemed desirable.
         C.   Parallel arrangements of building should be avoided.
            i.   The minimum width of each dwelling shall be twenty (20) feet.
            ii.   Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum of sixty (60) square feet of enclosed within the unit for laundry purposes provided with the necessary and customary utility connections such as water, drains, air vent, gas, or electric.
            iii.   Every dwelling unit shall have a minimum area of twenty (20) square feet immediately adjacent to the dwelling unit for trash storage unless each unit is provided a trash compactor. Such area shall be screened from view by a fence or wall at least four (4) feet in height.
         D.   Building Placement. All buildings and structures within the development area shall have a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet between any other building or structure within the development area.
         E.   Yard Requirements.
            i.   Perimeter yards of not less than fifty (50) feet shall be maintained along any public street line bordering the development area and yards of not less than thirty (30) feet along any other property line.
            ii.   No building shall be closer than twenty-five (25) feet to an internal street and no building shall be less than fifteen (15) feet from a parking bay or area other than the driveway area directly serving a dwelling.
         F.   Site Design. Developments shall be designed to complement the topography of the land in order to utilize natural contours, economize in the construction of utilities, reduce required grading, and maximize the conservation of trees, water courses, and other natural features. Natural features and other distinctive characteristics of the site shall be integrated into the plan to create functional variations in the arrangements of residences, open spaces, and accessory uses.
         G.   Modifications. With respect, particularly to properties of irregular shape, unusual topography, or limited size, the planning commission may modify the requirements established herein for areas, yards, buffers, and distances between uses if compliance with these requirements is either clearly unfeasible or contrary to compliance with the design regulations and standards of this section. However, the maximum permitted density shall not be increased by reason of this provision.
            (Ord. 2022-34. Passed 1-9-23.)