Property Maintenance and Rental Licensing Code
1360.01    Title.
1360.02    Purpose.
1360.03    General Scope.
1360.04    Application.
1360.05    Conflict with other ordinances.
1360.06    Severability.
1360.07    Definitions.
1360.08    Compliance required.
1360.09    Safety and sanitation.
1360.10   Maintenance of exteriors of dwellings and occupiable structures.
1360.11    Exterior property areas.
1360.12    Maintenance responsibilities.
1360.13    Applicability to motels and hotels.
1360.14    Motel and hotel regulations.
1360.15    Rental dwelling license.
1360.16    License application form and fee.
1360.17    Issuance of license.
1360.18    Contents of license.
1360.181   Obligations of owners and operators of short-term rentals.
1360.19    License expiration.
1360.20    Voiding license.
1360.21    Inspection.
1360.22    Right of entry.
1360.23    Responsibility for compliance.
1360.24    Repair of Code violations.
1360.25    Reinspection of Code Violations.
1360.26    Separations between dwelling units and fire protection of habitable rooms.
1360.27    Stop orders.
1360.28    For misrepresentation.
1360.29    Relief from personal responsibility.
1360.30    Duties of the Building Official.
1360.31    Right of Appeal.
1360.32   Foreclosures filing notification.
1360.33   Vacant property registration.
1360.99    For failure to comply with a notice or neglect of maintenance.