7-4-2-1: SNOW REMOVAL:
   A.   It is hereby declared and proclaimed that it is necessary to the public health, safety and welfare that the streets of the Village be cleared of snow, and if the clearing of snow is impeded and delayed by vehicles parked on the streets, such impediment is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the public. Accordingly, the following parking regulations regarding snow removal shall be in effect:
      1.   Whenever there has been a snow event in excess of two inches (2"), in order not to delay the cleaning of streets, all vehicles parked upon the streets of the Village shall be removed by the owners in a timely manner. Vehicles parked on a Village street after a snow event in excess of two inches (2") may be issued a parking citation pursuant to this section.
      2.   If such vehicles are not removed from the street after a snow event in excess of two inches (2"), and after ticketing, then said vehicles shall be towed pursuant to subsection 6-8-4C of this Code.
      3.   The Village shall post signs as necessary to provide notification of the provisions of this section. (Ord. 2018-20, 8-20-2018)