A.   Creation: There is hereby created a Citizens Advisory Council (hereinafter, Council) consisting of no more than eleven (11) members appointed by the President of the Village with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. All of the members shall be residents of the Municipality. A chairperson and vice chairperson shall be elected annually by vote of a majority of the Council. In the first term of appointment three (3) members shall serve for three (3) years, four (4) members shall serve for two (2) years, and four (4) members shall serve for one year. Subsequent terms of appointment shall be for three (3) years.
   B.   Duties: The Council's duties shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
      1.   Advising elected officials and staff and making recommendations on community matters.
      2.   Assisting elected officials and staff as an educational arm of the Municipality on community matters to all persons, groups, and institutions in the community.
      3.   Performing as a catalyst in promoting a better quality of life for all residents in the community.
      4.   Acting as a bridge between Municipal government, citizens and community groups.
      5.   Gathering and providing for the exchange of information relative to the provisions of this Chapter among real estate brokers and salespersons, lenders, developers, employers, Municipal officials and community groups within and without the Municipality.
      6.   Counseling of prospective residents in accordance with the policy and provisions of this Chapter and maintaining a list of counseling sources approved by the Municipality.
      7.   Adopting, promulgating, amending and rescinding rules and regulations of procedures for handling complaints of discrimination in housing.
      8.   Receiving and reviewing complaints charging discrimination in housing, seeking conciliation of such complaints and compliance with this Chapter.
      9.   Performing as the Hearing Agency; holding hearings and making findings of fact and making recommendations in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
      10.   Performing as the Adjudicative Agency.
      11.   Performing further duties as may be assigned by the President and Board of Trustees.
   C.   Powers: The Council shall have power to:
      1.   Administer oaths and take sworn testimony at hearings.
      2.   Subpoena witnesses and pertinent documents, and its subpoena power may be enforced by proper petition to any court of competent jurisdiction.
      3.   Issue orders and impose fines and penalties.
      4.   Require all persons subject to the application of this Chapter to maintain such records as may be necessary to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
   D.   Public Meetings: All Council meetings shall be open to the public except those for the purpose of conciliating complaints of discrimination. (Ord. 92-10, 4-6-1992)