In addition to those prohibited acts identified in Sections 6-9-6 and 6-9-7 of this Chapter, it shall be a violation for any financial institution, on the grounds of unlawful discrimination to:
   A.   Deny any person any of the services normally offered by such an institution.
   B.   Provide any person with any service which is different from, or provided in a different manner than, that which is provided to other persons similarly situated.
   C.   Deny or vary the terms of a loan on the basis of protected class.
   D.   Deny or vary the terms of a loan on the basis that a specific parcel of real estate offered as security is located in a specific geographical area.
   E.   Deny or vary the terms of a loan without having considered all or the regular and dependable income of each person who would be liable for repayment of the loan.
   F.   Utilize lending standards that have no economic basis and which constitute unlawful discrimination.
   G.   Refuse to purchase or impose different terms or conditions on loans or other debts or securities which support the purchase, construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a dwelling, or which are secured by residential real estate on the basis of protected class. (Ord. 92-10, 4-6-1992)