The section numbers hereinafter set forth refer to sections of the International Fire Code to be amended as aforesaid. The following sections of the International Fire Code are amended as follows:
Section 101.1 Village of Broadview -added
Section 101.2.1 Appendices -DELETE
Section 102.10 Conflicting provisions. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and specific requirements this section shall be applicable. Where, in specific cases, different sections of this or other adapted codes specify different material, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive requirement shall apply, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Code Official.
Section 103.1 Delete
Section 105.1.1 Permits Required. ………..shall first make application to the Village of Broadview Building Department and obtain required permit.
Section 105.2.2 ….vehicles, building, devices, premises, storage spaces, procedures, processes, activities, and all other relevant items of Fire and Life Safety to be used to determined……
Section 105.3.3: Occupancy prohibited before approval. ……..fire code official conducting associated inspection indicating ………
Section 105.3.4 Conditional permits. ……….permit applicant, the Village of Broadview Building Commissioner is authorized to issue a conditional permit…….
Section 105.3.7 Information on the permit. The fire code official shall review all permits required by this code………..
Section Phased approval. The fire code official is not authorized to issue a permit for the construction of part of a structure, ………
105.6 Required operation permits. The fire code official is authorized to require operational permits for the operation set forth in sections 105.6.1 through 105.6.50.
Section 105.6.41 Change "25 lbs" to "15 pounds". Delete all words after "of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics." Add "Assembly or manufacturing use of pyroxylin plastics is prohibited."
Section 105.7 Required construction permits. The fire code official is authorized to review construction permits for work as set forth in Sections 105.7.1 through 105.7.18
Section 109 shall be deleted and amended as follows:
   Decisions: The Village President, Fire Chief and the Chief Enforcement Officer shall act as a committee to determine and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or occupancies which shall require permits, in addition to those now enumerated in such Code.
Section 307 Delete.
403.12.3 Crowd managers for gathering exceeding 300 people
   1.   Outdoor events with less than 500 persons in attendance shall not require crowd managers
   2.   Assembly occupancies used exclusively for religious worship with an occupant load exceeding 500 shall not require crowd managers.
Section 505 Premise Identification. Change size from 4" to minimum of 4" when less than 50' from public way or 6" when greater than 50' viewing distance from Fire Apparatus Approach as approved by fire code official. Keep all the other language that is in IFC
ADD 505.1 new section. Suite identification. Any multi-tenant of shopping malls, mercantile, business, mixed used occupancies or residential shall have identification affixed to doors. This includes any alley, public courtyard or other public spaces. Such identification shall be by numbers or letters that are contrasting in color, that are a minimum 4" in height with a minimum stroke of ½' so as to be identified and plainly visible from at least 50' in distance.
Add 505.1.1 new section Addressing of rear doors. The rear or side doors of all malls, strip centers, commercial buildings and other areas where with multi-tenant spaces shall be identified shall be identified with appropriate address number and name of business. The address shall be minimum of 4" in height with ½" stroke of as approved by the fire code official. This requirement shall extend to interior corridor commercial buildings to prevent confusion in event of emergency.
Add Section 506 - Access Key Boxes.
   Where access to or within a structure, space or area is not provided twenty four (24) hours per day, all days of the year because of secured openings, or where immediate entry into buildings and property without forced entry damage or delay is necessary for life or firefighting purposes, a key box shall be installed of a type approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Each Key Box is keyed for master key controlled by the Broadview Fire Department. Property owners will purchase and store their master keys, access cards, door codes, gate keys, etc. necessary to gain access to building. Security Keyed-Boxes will be mounted near building entrances at approved locations as determined by the Fire Code Official.
   All Knox Boxes shall contain labeled keys, easily identified in the field to provide access into the property and/ or building, and to any locked areas within the said building.
   The owner or person in control of the following types of buildings:
   Any apartment building or other building in which six (6) or more dwelling units are rented for residential purposes and in which access to the building or to common areas or mechanical or electrical rooms within the building is denied through locked doors.
Section 907.2 Where required-new buildings and structures.
   Use Groups A, B, F, H, M, S, R2 with greater than 11 sleeping units: A fire protective signaling system shall be installed in each of these occupancies with the provisions of IFC and NFPA 72 and shall include manual fire alarm boxes and visible and audible alarms installed at each required and marked exit of each occupancy. Existing and new building or structures; Any Exceptions, to required fire protective signaling systems for above noted use groups, that are noted in these sections 907.2.1-907.2.23 and sections 1103.7.1-1103.7.7 are deleted.
Section 907.2.11.2 Single and multiple station smoke detectors and CO Detectors:
   Add: In any and all multiple family dwellings, all common areas, such as hallways, stairways, basements and laundry/storage areas are required to have smoke detectors that provide an alarm suitable to warn the occupants of the building. One CO detector shall be required in each common corridor, lobby or area that opens into a common staircase. One CO detector required within 15 feet of utility or laundry room containing gas fire appliance(s).
Section 907.6 Installation and monitoring.
Section 907.6.1 through 907.6.6.2 and NFPA 72. Fire alarm and sprinkler systems are required to be continuously monitored by an Underwriters Laboratory (UL) listed central station approved by Fire Code Official. All Fire Alarm and Detection systems shall be governed by IFC Chapter 9, NFPA 72 2016 and the Village of Broadview Fire alarm requirements. All systems, existing or new, shall utilize AES radio mesh network as means of transmitting signal.
   EXCEPTION: Proprietary - A proprietary supervising station is a supervising station under the same ownership as the buildings protected by the fire alarm systems. At a proprietary supervising station, personnel are constantly in attendance to supervise and investigate fire alarm system signals. The receiving point must be in a separate structure or a part of a structure that is remote from any hazardous operations. This exception has to be approved by the Fire Code Official.
Section 907.8 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Record of inspection, testing and maintenance shall be maintained. Copy of all inspections shall be electronically transmitted to fire code official to destination approved by fire code official.
Section 1022 Exits:
Section 1022.2.3 amend as follows:
   Under most all circumstances, all use group occupancies within the municipality limits are required to have a minimum of two (2) exits per floor, which shall include above and/or below grade level.
Chapter 12 Energy Systems
   After publication IFC ed 2021 chapter 12 "Energy Systems" shall take precedence for any language referencing Energy Storage Systems; and
   Shall Comply with Chapter 12 ed 2021 IFC "Energy Systems"
   UL9540 (9540A) Standard for energy storage systems and equipment certified and tested
   NFPA 855 Standard for the installation of stationary energy storage systems.
   Shall be adapted all installation requires permitting process.
   Fire Chief or Fire Code official approval is required.
Section 5301 - General:
Section 5301.1 - Scope
   The limits referred to in this article on storage of flammable compressed gas shall be deleted and read as follows: No bulk storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) or any other flammable compressed gases shall be permitted to be stored above ground within the municipality limits.
Chapter 56 Explosives and Fireworks
Section 5601 General
   The limits referred to in this article for the storage, manufacturing, possession, sale and transportation of explosives, ammunition and blasting agents shall be deleted and read as follows: Storage, sale, possession, manufacturing and transportation of explosives, ammunition and blasting agents is prohibited within the Municipality limits.
      Exception: Keep 1,2,3,5,7,8,9 as is but change the following subsections as indicated:
      (4) Change 1 pound to ½ pound, Change 20 pounds to 10 pounds of smokeless powder.
      (6) Add "Permit required for" special industrial explosives
      (10) Where small arms ammunition is for sale for the use of sport or other use in an official capacity as deemed appropriate by the Fire Code Official.
IFC Section 5704.2 - Tank Storage:
   Delete and amend as follows: Except on Village-owned property that is zoned "I" Institutional District, above-ground storage of flammable and/or combustible liquids is prohibited within the municipality limits.
      Exceptions (4):
      A. Class III B combustible liquid having a flash point at or above 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
      B. All other limited quantities of flammable and/or combustible liquids allowed above ground as permitted by the Fire Code Official shall be stored in approved flammable liquids cabinets and/or storage rooms designed for such purposes. Annual Permit Required.
      C. Critical government non-government facilities are those buildings that are necessary to the continuing operation of essential services following a significant event. Examples of these include police stations, fire stations, essential healthcare buildings, emergency treatment facilities, institutional facilities, structures containing highly toxic materials, public utilities, Aviation Control Centers, and emergency operations centers (EOC).
      D. Existing Tanks (AST's) that are in use and compliant to code. This exception does not transfer to new occupancies, usages, new building owners or operations. Annual Permit is required
      *All Above Ground Storage Tanks shall meet all Federal and State regulations and requirements.
Chapter 61 Scope.
   The limits referred to in this article on storage of flammable compressed gas shall be deleted and read as follows: No bulk storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) greater than 2,000 Container Capacity (water gallons) or any other flammable compressed gases shall be allowed to be stored above ground within the municipality limits. All LPG tank installation and storage in excess of 500 gallons (1893 L) water capacity requires a permit per Section 105.6.28.
Section 6504.1.2 Capacity limitation. Change "more than 1,000 pounds" to "more than 250 pounds." Change "Each compartment shall not contain more than 250 pounds (114 kg)" to "Each compartment shall not contain more than 125 pounds (57kg)."
Section 6504.1.4 Heat Sources. Change "2 feet" to "3 feet."
Section 6504.1.5 and 6504.1.6 Add "No Manufacturing is allowed in Municipal Limits. (Ord. 2018-33, 12-17-2018; amd. Ord. 2019-3, 1-22-2019; Ord. 2020-7, 2-18-2020; Ord. CO-2021-01, 2-16-2021)