Each person engaged in the business of laying or repairing sidewalks in the city shall furnish to the Building Commissioner a performance bond of $5,000 and shall further carry public liability insurance in the amount of $100,000/$300,000 to the benefit of the builder and the city, saving the city free and harmless from all claims due to negligence of any kind.
(Ord. 31-65, passed 6-24-1965)
A person signing the application for a permit to build a main use building or a main use structure of any kind on any lot or land in the city is hereby required to place sidewalks on such lot or land as directed by the proper authority of the city. The Building Commissioner is hereby directed to refuse final approval of any main use building or a main use structure until such sidewalks have been installed to the satisfaction of the Building Commissioner with the following minimum specifications:
(A) Five feet wide - concrete with welded wire or fiber mesh and a minimum five foot tree lawn immediately adjacent to the concrete;
(B) Four inches thick except for driveway areas and adjacent to the apron;
(C) Six inches thick in driveway areas with welded wire mesh;
(D) All corners have at least five feet of walk facing the opposite corner;
(E) Shall comply with ICC A117.1-2009 requirements for disabled persons; and
(F) Apply sealcoat as soon as possible - cold weather precautions shall prevail.
(Ord. 31-65, passed 6-24-1965; Ord. 149-02, passed 9-16-2002; Ord. 14-14, passed 4-21-2014; Ord. 28-2021, passed 6-7-2021)