   All money received on special assessments shall be held by the City Clerk/Treasurer as a special fund to be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made, and this money shall be used for no other purpose whatever, unless to reimburse the city for money expended for any such improvement.
(Neb. RS 17-710)
   (A)   The city is hereby empowered to receive money or property by donation, bequest, gift, devise, or otherwise for the benefit of any one or more of the public purposes for which sinking funds are established by the provisions of this section, as stipulated by the donor. The title to the money or property so donated shall vest in the City Council, or in its successors in office, who shall become the owners thereof in trust to the uses of the sinking fund or funds; provided, if the donation is real estate, the City Council may manage the same as in the case of real estate donated to the city for city library purposes under the provisions of Neb. RS 51-215 and 51-216.
(Neb. RS 19-1301)
   (B)   The City Council, subject to all the limitations set forth in this section, shall have the power to levy a tax of not to exceed $.105 on each $100 in any one year upon the taxable value of all the taxable property within the city for a term of not to exceed ten years, in addition to the amount of tax which may be annually levied for the purposes of the adopted budget statement of the city, for the purpose of establishing a sinking fund for the construction, purchase, improvement, extension, original equipment, or repair, not including maintenance, of any one or more of the following public improvements, including acquisition of any land incident to the making thereof: city library; city auditorium or community house for social or recreational purposes; city hall; city public library, auditorium, or community house in a single building; city swimming pool and appurtenances thereto; city jail; city building to house equipment or personnel of a fire department, together with firefighting equipment or apparatus; city park; city cemetery; city medical clinic building, together with furnishings and equipment; or city hospital. The city shall not be authorized to levy the tax or to establish the sinking fund as provided in this division if, having bonded indebtedness, the city has been in default in the payment of interest thereon or principal thereof for a period of ten years prior to the date of the passage of the resolution providing for the submission of the proposition for establishment of the sinking fund as required in division (C).
(Neb. RS 19-1302)
   (C)   Before any sinking fund or funds are established or before any annual tax is levied for any such planned city improvement mentioned in division (B) by the city, the City Council shall declare its purpose by resolution to submit to the qualified electors of the city at the next general city election the proposition to provide the city with the specific city improvement planned for consummation under this section. The resolution of submission shall, among other things, set forth a clear description of the improvement planned, the estimated cost according to the prevailing costs, the amount of annual levy over a definite period of years, not exceeding ten years, required to provide the cost, and the specific name or designation for the sinking fund sought to be established to carry out the planned improvement, together with a statement of the proposition for placement upon the ballot at the election. Notice of the submission of the proposition, together with a copy of the official ballot containing the same, shall be published in its entirety three successive weeks before the day of the election in a legal newspaper published in the city or, if no legal newspaper is published therein, in some legal newspaper published in the county in which the city is located and of general circulation. If no legal newspaper is published in the county, the notice shall be published in some legal newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the city is located. No such sinking fund shall be established unless the same has been authorized by a majority or more of the legal votes of the city cast for or against the proposition. If less than a majority of the legal votes favor the establishment of the sinking fund, the planned improvement shall not be made, no annual tax shall be levied therefor, and no sinking fund or sinking funds shall be established in connection therewith, but such resolution of submission shall immediately be repealed. If the proposition shall carry at the election in the manner prescribed in this division, the City Council and its successors in office shall proceed to do all things authorized under the resolution of submission but never inconsistent with this section. Provisions of the statutes of this state relating to election of officers, voting places, election apparatus and blanks, preparation and form of ballots, information to voters, delivery of ballots, conduct of elections, manner of voting, counting of votes, records and certificates of elections, and recounts of votes, so far as applicable, shall apply to voting on the proposition under this section.
(Neb. RS 19-1303)
   (D)   All funds received by the City Clerk/Treasurer, by donation or by tax levy, as hereinbefore provided, shall, as they accumulate, be immediately invested by the Clerk/Treasurer, with the written approval of the City Council, in the manner provided in § 33.11. Whenever investments of the sinking fund or funds are made, as aforesaid, the nature and character of the same shall be reported to the City Council, and the investment report shall be made a matter of record by the City Clerk/Treasurer in the proceedings of the City Council. The sinking fund, or sinking funds, accumulated under the provisions of this section, shall constitute a special fund, or funds, for the purpose or purposes for which the same was authorized and shall not be used for any other purpose unless authorized by 60% of the qualified electors of the city voting at a general election favoring the change in the use of the sinking fund or sinking funds; provided that the question of the change in the use of the sinking fund or sinking funds, when it fails to carry, shall not be resubmitted in substance for a period of one year from and after the date of the election.
(Neb. RS 19-1304)
Statutory reference:
   Additional levy limitations, see Neb. RS 17-702
   Investment in warrants, see Neb. RS 77-2337
   (A)   (1)   The City Clerk/Treasurer shall deposit, and at all times keep on deposit, for safekeeping, in banks, capital stock financial institutions, or qualifying mutual financial institutions of approved and responsible standing, all money collected, received, or held by him or her as City Clerk/Treasurer. These deposits shall be subject to all regulations imposed by law or adopted by the City Council for the receiving and holding thereof. The fact that a stockholder, director, or other officer of the bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution is also serving as Mayor, a member of the City Council, as a member of the Board of Public Works, or as any other officer of the city shall not disqualify the bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution from acting as a depository for the city funds.
      (2)   The City Council shall require from all banks, capital stock financial institutions, or qualifying mutual financial institutions a bond in the penal sum as may be the maximum amount on deposit at any time less the amount insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or, in lieu thereof, security given as provided in the Public Funds Deposit Security Act, to secure the payment of all the deposits and accretions. The City Council shall approve this bond or giving of security. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall not be liable for any loss of any money sustained by reason of the failure of any such depository so designated and approved.
(Neb. RS 17-607)
   (B)   The insurance afforded to depositors in banks, capital stock financial institutions, or qualifying mutual financial institutions through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shall be deemed and construed to be a surety bond or bonds to the extent that the deposits are insured or guaranteed by that corporation, and for deposits so insured or guaranteed, no other surety bond or bonds or other security shall be required.
(Neb. RS 77-2362)
   (C)   Neb. RS 77-2366 shall apply to deposits in capital stock financial institutions. Neb. RS 77-2365.01 shall apply to deposits in qualifying mutual financial institutions.
(Neb. RS 17-607 and 77-2362)
Statutory reference: 
   Other provisions on deposits of public funds, see Neb. RS 77-2363 and 77-2364
   Public Funds Deposit Security Act, see Neb. RS 77-2386
   The City Clerk/Treasurer may, upon resolution of the Mayor and City Council authorizing the same, purchase certificates of deposit from and make time deposits in any bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution in the state to the extent that those certificates of deposit or time deposits are insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Deposits may be made in excess of the amounts so secured by the corporation, and the amount of the excess deposit shall be secured by a bond or by security given in the same manner as is provided for cities of the first class in Neb. RS 16-714 through 16-716 as of the time the deposit is made. Neb. RS 77-2366 shall apply to deposits in capital stock financial institutions. Neb. RS 77-2365.01 shall apply to deposits in qualifying mutual financial institutions.
(Neb. RS 17-720)
   (A)   When the City Clerk/Treasurer holds funds of the city in excess of the amount required for maintenance or set aside for betterments and improvements, the Mayor and City Council may, by resolution, direct and authorize the Clerk/Treasurer to invest the surplus funds in the outstanding bonds or registered warrants of the city, bonds and debentures issued either singly or collectively by any of the 12 federal land banks, the 12 intermediate credit banks, or the 13 banks for cooperatives under the supervision of the Farm Credit Administration, or in interest-bearing bonds or the obligations of the United States. The interest on the bonds or warrants shall be credited to the fund out of which the bonds or warrants were purchased.
(Neb. RS 17-608)
   (B)   All income received by the city from public utilities and from the payment and collection of water taxes, rents, rates or assessments shall be applied to the payment of running expenses, interest on bonds or money borrowed and the erection and construction of public utilities; should there be any surplus, it shall be annually created into a sinking fund for the payment of public utility bonds or for the improvements of the works, or into the general fund as the Council may direct. The surplus remaining, if any, may, if the Council, be invested in interest-bearing bonds or obligations of the United States.
(Neb. RS 17-540)
   (C)   The Mayor and City Council may, by resolution, direct and authorize the Clerk/Treasurer to dispose of the surplus electric light, water, or gas funds, or the funds arising from the sale of electric light, water, or natural gas distribution properties, by the payment of outstanding electric light, water, or gas distribution bonds or water warrants then due. The excess, if any, after the payments, may be transferred to the general fund of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-609)
   (D)   Any surplus funds arising out of the operation of any system of waterworks, power plant, ice plant, gas plant, sewerage, heating or lighting plant, or distribution system by the Board of Public Works, or by the City Council, where any of the utilities are not being operated by such a Board, may be invested, if not invested pursuant to the provisions of any other law upon the subject, in like manner and subject to the same conditions as the investment of similar funds of cities of the first class, as provided in Neb. RS 16-691.01.
(Neb. RS 17-803)
   (E)   (1)   Whenever the city has accumulated a surplus of any fund in excess of its current needs or has accumulated a sinking fund for the payment of its bonds and the money in the sinking fund exceeds the amount necessary to pay the principal and interest of any such bonds which become due during the current year, the City Council may invest any such surplus in excess of current needs or such excess in its sinking fund in certificates of deposit, in time deposits, and in any securities in which the State Investment Officer is authorized to invest pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act and as provided in the authorized investment guidelines of the Nebraska Investment Council in effect on the date the investment is made. The State Investment Officer shall upon request furnish a copy of current authorized investment guidelines of the Nebraska Investment Council.
      (2)   Nothing in division (E)(1) shall be construed to authorize investments in venture capital.
(Neb. RS 77-2341)
§ 33.12 BOND ISSUES.
   The City Council may, after meeting all the requirements of state law, issue bonds, fund bonds, and retire bonds for the purposes as may be permitted by state law. The City Council shall have the authority to levy special assessments for the payment of interest and principal on these bonds and may spread the payments up to the maximum number of years permitted by state law.
Statutory reference:
   Bonds in general, see Neb. RS 18-1801 through 18-1805
   Funding and refunding bonds, see Neb. RS 10-606 through 10-612
   General provisions, see Neb. RS 10-101 through 10-143
   (A)   The city may contract to retain a collection agency licensed pursuant to Neb. RS 45-601 through 45-622, within or without this state, for the purpose of collecting public debts owed by any person to the city.
   (B)   No debt owed pursuant to division (A) of this section may be assigned to a collection agency unless:
      (1)   There has been an attempt to advise the debtor by first-class mail, postage prepaid, at the last known address of the debtor:
         (a)   Of the existence of the debt; and
         (b)   That the debt may be assigned to a collection agency for collection if the debt is not paid; and
      (2)   At least 30 days have elapsed from the time the notice was sent.
   (C)   A collection agency which is assigned a debt under this section shall have only those remedies and powers which would be available to it as an assignee of a private creditor.
   (D)   For purposes of this section, debt shall include all delinquent fees or payments except delinquent property taxes on real estate. In the case of debt arising as a result of an order or judgment of a court in a criminal or traffic matter, a collection fee may be added to the debt. The collection fee shall be $25 or 4.5% of the debt, whichever is greater. The collection fee shall be paid by the person who owes the debt directly to the person or agency providing the collection service.
(Neb. RS 45-623)
   (A)   If authorized by the City Council, any city official may accept credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards, whether presented in person or electronically, or electronic funds transfers as a method of cash payment of any tax, levy, excise, duty, custom, toll, interest, penalty, fine, license, fee, or assessment of whatever kind or nature, whether general or special, as provided by Neb. RS 77-1702.
   (B)   The total amount of the taxes, levies, excises, duties, customs, tolls, interest, penalties, fines, licenses, fees, or assessments of whatever kind or nature, whether general or special, paid for by credit card, charge card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer shall be collected by the city official.
   (C)   With respect to a facility which it operates in a proprietary capacity, the City Council may choose to accept credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards, whether presented in person or electronically, or electronic funds transfers as a means of cash payment and may adjust the price for services to reflect the handling and payment costs.
   (D)   The city official shall obtain, for each transaction, authorization for use of any credit card, charge card, or debit card used pursuant to this section from the financial institution, vending service company, credit card or charge card company, or third-party merchant bank providing that service.
   (E)   The types of credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards accepted and the payment services provided shall be determined by the State Treasurer and the Director of Administrative Services with the advice of a committee convened by the State Treasurer and the director. The committee shall consist of the State Treasurer, the Tax Commissioner, the director, and representatives from counties, cities, and other political subdivisions as may be appropriate. The committee shall develop recommendations for the contracting of the services. The State Treasurer and the director shall contract with one or more credit card, charge card, or debit card companies or third-party merchant banks for services on behalf of the state and those counties, cities, and political subdivisions that choose to participate in the state contract for the services. The State Treasurer and the director shall consider, for purposes of this section, any negotiated discount, processing, or transaction fee imposed by a credit card, charge card, or debit card company or third-party merchant bank as an administrative expense. If the City Council chooses not to participate in the state contract, it may choose types of credit cards, charge cards, and debit cards and may negotiate and contract independently or collectively as a governmental entity with one or more financial institutions, vending service companies, credit card, charge card, or debit card companies, or third-party merchant banks for the provision of these services.
   (F)   Subject to the direction of the City Council, a city official authorizing acceptance of credit card or charge card payments shall be authorized but not required to impose a surcharge or convenience fee upon the person making a payment by credit card or charge card so as to wholly or partially offset the amount of any discount or administrative fees charged to the city, but the surcharge or convenience fee shall not exceed the surcharge or convenience fee imposed by the credit card or charge card companies or third-party merchant banks which have contracted under division (E) of this section. The surcharge or convenience fee shall be applied only when allowed by the operating rules and regulations of the credit card or charge card involved or when authorized in writing by the credit card or charge card company involved. When a person elects to make a payment to the city by credit card or charge card and such a surcharge or convenience fee is imposed, the payment of the surcharge or convenience fee shall be deemed voluntary by that person and shall be in no case refundable. If a payment is made electronically by credit card, charge card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer as part of a system for providing or retrieving information electronically, the city official shall be authorized but not required to impose an additional surcharge or convenience fee upon the person making a payment.
   (G)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER. The movement of funds by nonpaper means, usually through a payment system, including, but not limited to, an automated clearinghouse or the Federal Reserve's Fedwire system.
(Neb. RS 13-609)