The city owns and operates the city sewer system through the Director of Public Works. The City Council, for the purpose of defraying the cost of the management and maintenance of the city sewer system may each year levy a tax not exceeding the maximum limit prescribed by state law on the actual valuation of all real estate and personal property within the corporate limits that is subject to taxation. The revenue from the tax shall be known as the Sewer Maintenance Fund. The Director of Public Works shall have the direct management and control of the Sewer Department and shall faithfully carry out the duties of his or her office. He or she shall have the authority to adopt rules and regulations for the sanitary and efficient management of the Department subject to the supervision and review of the City Council.
(Neb. RS 17-149 and 17-925.01) (1973 Code, § 3-201)
The city, through the City Sewer Department, shall furnish sewer services to persons within its corporate limits whose premises abut a street or alley in which a commercial main is now or may hereafter be laid. The city may also furnish sewer service to persons whose premises are situated outside the corporate limits of the city, as and when, according to law, the City Council may see fit to do so. The rules, regulations, and sewer rental rates hereinafter named in this chapter, shall be considered a part of every application hereafter made for sewer service and shall be considered a part of the contract between every customer now or hereafter served. Without further formality, the making of the application on the part of any applicant or the use of sewer service by present customers thereof shall constitute a contract between the customer and the city to which the contract both parties are bound. If the customer shall violate any of the provisions of the contract or any reasonable rules and regulations that the City Council may hereafter adopt, the Director of Public Works, or his or her agent, may cut off or disconnect the sewer service from the building or premise of the violation. No further connection for sewer service to the building or premise shall again be made save or except by order of the Director of Public Works or his or her agent.
(Neb. RS 17-901 and 17-902) (1973 Code, § 3-202)
The property owner, occupant or lessee of any premise that abuts a sewer main that is now or may hereafter be laid shall without delay, cause the said building to be connected with sewer system and equipped with inside sewerage facilities. Every building hereafter erected shall be connected with the sewer system at the time of its construction. In the event that any property owner, occupant or lessee shall neglect, fail or refuse within a period of ten days after notice has been given to him or her to do so by registered mail or by publication in a newspaper in or of general circulation in the municipality to make such connection, the governing body shall have the power to cause the same to be done, to assess the cost thereof against the property and to collect the assessment thus made in the manner provided for collection of other special taxes and assessments.
(Neb. RS 17-149 and 17-149.01) (1973 Code, § 3-203) (Ord. 513, passed 6-15-1981; Ord. 812, passed 10-14-2010) Penalty, see § 52.999
Each and every building must make a direct connection with the main sewer line. Under no circumstances will two or more houses be allowed to make the connections through one pipe.
(Neb. RS 18-503) (1973 Code, § 3-204) Penalty, see § 52.999
In making excavations in streets, alleys, or sidewalks for the purpose of installing pipe, or making repairs, the paving, stones, and earth must be removed and deposited in a manner that will occasion the least inconvenience to the public and provide for adequate drainage. No person shall leave an excavation made in the street, alley, or sidewalk open at any time without a barricade, and during the night, warning lights. After the house sewer is laid, the public ways and property shall be restored to good condition. If the excavation in the public ways and property is left open or unfinished for a period of 24 hours or more, the Director of Public Works shall have the duty to finish or correct the work, and all expenses so incurred shall be charged to the owner, occupant, or lessee of the property. All installations or repairs of pipes require two inspections by the Director of Public Works. The first inspection shall be made when connections or repairs are complete and before the pipes are covered. The second inspection shall be made after the dirt work is completed and the service restored. It is the customers responsibility to notify the Director of Public Works at the time the work is ready for each inspection. All installation shall be done under the supervision and strictly in accordance with the rules, regulations, and specifications for the installation prescribed by the Director of Public Works; provided, that the rules, regulations, and specifications have been reviewed and approved by the City Council.
(Neb. RS 18-503) (1973 Code, § 3-205) Penalty, see § 52.999
The customer, upon approval of his or her application for sewer service, shall pay to the Director of Public Works a tap fee which shall compensate the city for the expense of processing his or her application. The Director of Public Works, in his or her discretion, may direct the customer to hire a bonded plumber to tap the main. The customer shall then be required to pay the expense of procuring the materials required as well as the services of a bonded plumber and shall pay all other costs of installation.
(Neb. RS 18-503) (1973 Code, § 3-206)
Before a sewer tap or water tap permit shall issue, the owner of the premises from which the connection is to be made shall pay to the City Clerk/Treasurer a fee as provided in § 52.006. If the premises abut a street or alley in which the sewer line or water line is situated; the premises have not been included within a district, if any, created for the purpose of construction of the sewer or water line; no part of the cost of construction of the sewer line or the water line has been paid by the owner or previous owners, as such, of the premises (otherwise than, possibly by furnishing the right-of-way or by payment of general taxes or sewer or water service charges); and the cost, or a part thereof, has been paid by the city, no permit to tap the sewer or water line shall be issued until the owner of the premises shall pay to the City Clerk/Treasurer or make arrangement for payment of the fees by agreement with the city, in addition, a fee in an amount equal to $9 per each running foot of the premises abutting the street or alley, or part thereof, in which the sewer is situated, and a fee in an amount of $9 per each running foot of the premises abutting the street or alley, or party thereof, in which a sewer tap or water tap is issued as well as all other premises owned by the applicant abutting the street or alley or part thereof in which the sewer line or water line is situated. In determining the total distance the width of the lot on which the water or sewer tap is applied for shall be added to the width of any adjacent lots lowed by the person or persons applying for the water or sewer tap and which have not had the water or sewer lines assessed to them. The amounts shall be placed in the sewer or water fund of the city and shall not be subject to refund.
(1973 Code, § 3-206.1) (Ord. 512, passed 6-15-1981; Ord. 535, passed 8-11-1983; Ord. 555, passed 2-7-1985; Ord. 734, passed 8-5-2004)