No person shall stick, print, stamp, attach or suspend to any tree or utility pole or any other pole or stick upon any public street or place within the City or upon any tree growing on private property abutting on any street in the City, any printed, written, painted or other advertisement, bill, notice, sign, letter or poster.
(1976 Code Sec. 13-3)
No person shall print, write or paint any sign or any lettering of any nature upon any public sidewalk or pavement within the City, and upon conviction of a violation thereof such person shall be required to clean and remove such printing, writing or painting from such sidewalk or pavement at his own expense, in addition to being subject to the penalty provided in Section 501.99.
(a) No person shall, without proper authority, knowingly use, tamper with, render inoperative, destroy, damage, remove, deface, molest or otherwise interfere with any books, records, furniture, equipment, gear, apparatus, tools or other items of personal property belonging to, leased to or used by the City or any agency thereof.
(b) No person shall, without proper authority, knowingly destroy, damage, deface, molest or otherwise interfere with or trespass upon, any real property belonging to, leased to or used by the City or any agency thereof.
(c) No person shall break down, destroy, deface or remove or otherwise damage any monument, marker, bench, vase, urn, flowers, wreath, flag or other property on, in, or near any grave, crypt, cemetery or other burial place within the City.
(Ord. 13-88. Passed 7-12-88.)
No person, without having authority from the City so to do, shall wilfully prevent, delay, hinder, obstruct or otherwise interfere with, directly or indirectly, any contractor, workman or other person who is engaged upon any construction, repair or other project or enterprise for or on behalf of the City or wilfully impede the progress of any such project or enterprise in any manner.
(1976 Code Sec. 13-13)
(a) Fishing After Dark. Fishing shall be permitted on the City property known as Hinkle and Deegan Lakes during such hours as Council may from time to time designate. (Ord. 4-88. Passed 5-24-88.)
(b) Camp Fires. No person shall set or cause to be set on fire any flammable material upon the City property known as Hinkle and Deegan Lakes or on the public property adjoining City property or camp or remain on such property after dark without a permit to do so issued or authorized by Council.
(c) Parking. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle on City property or on public property adjoining City property, including State rights of way adjacent to or adjoining the Hinkle and Deegan Lakes property any place where official signs prohibit stopping, standing or parking.
(d) Littering. No person shall dispose of, or permit to be disposed of litter of any kind, including but not limited to paper cartons, bottles, bottle caps, cans, fruit peelings and bits of food, glass, scraps or fragments of any kind, or other things which have become to be regarded by the public as litter on any City property or on any public or private property adjacent to or adjoining City property. (5-10-1983)
No person without authorization shall dump garbage or trash, or assist in the unauthorized dumping of garbage or trash, in a dumpster or other solid waste container which is located on the property of another person and leased or otherwise owned or maintained by another person. The act of throwing isolated objects into a dumpster or other solid waste container in the prevention or elimination of litter is specifically excepted from any penalties under this section.
(WVaC 61-3-53)