513.01 Keeping or exhibiting gambling apparatus.
513.02 Permitting gambling apparatus on premises.
513.03 Acting as lookout or guard for keeper of gambling apparatus.
513.04 Playing on gambling apparatus; hotels, public places.
513.05 Making wager for value or furnishing money to another for wager.
513.06 Permitting gambling at public places.
513.07 Cheating or fraudulent actions while gambling or making a wager.
513.08 Poolrooms and pool tickets.
513.09 Lotteries and raffles.
513.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Gambling at fairs prohibited - see W. Va. Code 19-7-8
Pari-mutuel system of wagering at race track permitted - see W. Va. Code 19-23-9
Gaming contracts - see W. Va. Code Art. 55-9
Crimes against public policy - see W. Va. Code Art. 61-10
No person shall keep or exhibit a gaming table, commonly called an A.B.C.
or E.O. table, faro bank, keno table, or any slot machine, multiple coin console machine, multiple coin console slot machine or device in the nature of a slot machine, or any other gaming table or device of like kind, under any denomination or which has no name, whether the game, table, bank, machine or device is played with cards, dice or otherwise, or be a partner, or concerned in interest, in keeping or exhibiting such table, bank, machine or gaming device of any character. Any such table, faro bank, machine or gaming device, and all money staked or exhibited to allure persons to bet at such table or upon such gaming device, may be seized by order of the Police Court and the money so seized shall be forfeited to the Municipality and paid into the Municipal Treasury and the table, faro bank, machine or gaming device shall be completely destroyed. However, the provisions of this section shall not extend to coin-operated nonpayout machines with free play features or to automatic weighing, measuring, musical and vending machines which are so constructed as to give a certain uniform and fair return in value or services for each coin deposited therein and in which there is no element of chance. (WVaC 61-10-1)
No person shall knowingly permit a gaming table, bank or device, as mentioned in Section 513.01, to be kept or exhibited on any premises in his occupation. (WVaC 61-10-2)
No person shall act as doorkeeper, guard or watch, or employ another person to act as such, for a keeper or exhibitor of any gaming table, bank or device as mentioned in Section 513.01, nor resist, nor by any means or device, prevent, hinder or delay the lawful arrest of such keeper or exhibitor, or the seizure of the table, bank or device, or money exhibited or staked thereat, nor unlawfully take the same from the person seizing it.
(WVaC 61-10-3)
No person shall bet or play at any gaming table, bank or device as mentioned in Section 513.01, or, at any hotel or tavern, other public place or place of public resort, play at any game except bowling, chess or backgammon, draughts or a licensed game, or bet on the side of those who play at any game, whether or not the game is permitted or licensed. (WVaC 61-10-4)
No person shall, at any place, public or private, bet or wage money or other thing of value on any game of chance, or knowingly furnish any money or other thing of value to any other person to bet or wage on any such game. (WVaC 61-10-5)