General Provisions
54.01 Adoption of Stark County sanitary sewer regulations
Regulating the Use of Public and Private Sewers
54.15 Definitions
54.16 Use of public sewers required
54.17 Private sewage disposal
54.18 Building sewers and connections
54.19 Use of the public sewers
54.20 Pretreatment
54.21 Protection from damage
54.22 Powers and authority of inspectors
54.23 Appeals
User Charges
54.35 Purpose
54.36 Definitions
54.37 Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Line-Item Fund
54.38 Charges
54.39 Billing
54.40 Waste strength
54.41 Appeal
54.42 Review
54.43 Making unpaid sewer charges a lien upon real estate
54.99 Penalty
Responsibility for payment of utility bills, 53.20
Water and sewer utility billings for multiple dwelling units, 53.19