(A)   No unlicensed person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Village Administrator.
   (B)   (1)   There shall be two classes of building sewer permits:
         (a)   For residential and commercial service; and
         (b)   For service to establishments producing industrial wastes.
      (2)   In either case, the owner or his or her agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the village. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Wastewater Superintendent or appointed representative. A permit and inspection fee of $25 for a residential or commercial building sewer permit and $30 for an industrial building sewer permit shall be paid to the village at the time the application is filed.
   (C)   All costs and expense incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the village from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.
   (D)   A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building; except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer.
   (E)   Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the Wastewater Superintendent or appointed representative, to meet all requirements or this subchapter.
   (F)   The size, slope, alignment, materials of construction of a building sewer, and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing and backfilling the trench, shall all conform to the requirements of the AWWA Standards of Installation Materials and AWWA Standards of Installation Procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the A.S.T.M. and W.P.C.F. Manual of Practice No. 9 shall apply. The following apply for installations in conformance with the AWWA standards.
      (1)   The building sewer shall be constructed of either vitrified clay sewer pipe and fittings meeting the current A.S.T.M. Specifications for Standard or Extra Strength Clay Sewer Pipe, Asbestos Cement, plastic P.V.C. pipe and fittings meeting the current A.S.T.M. Specifications or the Department of Commerce Commercial Standards for Extra Heavy Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings or concrete sewer pipe fittings meeting the current A.S.T.M. Specifications for Standard or Extra Strength Concrete Sewer Pipe. If installed in filled or unstable ground, the building sewer shall be of cast iron soil pipe, except that vitrified clay pipe or concrete pipe, may be accepted if laid on a suitable bed or cradle as approved by said inspector.
      (2)   (a)   All joints and connections shall be made gas-tight and water-tight. Vitrified clay sewer pipe shall be fitted with factory made resilient compression joints meeting A.S.T.M. Specifications for Vitrified Clay Pipe Joints Having Resilient Properties: (Designation C425). Concrete sewer pipe joints shall be of rubber ring, flexible compression type, similar and equal to joints specified for vitrified clay pipe.
         (b)   Before joining the pipe in the trench, the bell and spigot surfaces shall be wiped free of dirt or other foreign matter. A lubricant or sealer as recommended by the pipe manufacturer shall be applied to the bell and spigot mating surfaces just before they are joined together. The spigot shall be positioned into the bell end of the pipe previously laid and shall then be shoved home to compress the joint and to assure a tight fit between the interfaces. Joint for cast iron soil pipe shall be made by inserting a roll of hemp or jute and thoroughly caulking it into place and then following with pure molten lead well-caulked, not less than one inch deep. No paint, varnish or putty will be allowed in the joints until they have been tested and approved. Joints for cast iron soil pipe may also be of an acceptable compression type.
         (c)   Asbestos-cement pipe joints shall be made with sleeves and rubber sealing rings. Plastic PVC pipe joints shall be made with sleeves and/or rubber sealing rings.
         (d)   PVC pipe must be cemented after inspection, and proper adapters must be used.
      (3)   The size and slope of main and building sewers shall be subject to the approval of the said inspector, but in no event shall the diameter be less than six inches, except that a four-inch lateral may be used to tap into an old main, for a single-family residence. The slope of said pipes shall not be less than one inch per foot, except that the inspector may approve a slope of at least six-tenths inch per foot.
      (4)   (a)   All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the said inspector. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with A.S.T.M. Specifications (Designation C12) except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the inspector or his or her representative.
         (b)   When clay pipe is used in the roadway, all backfill must be removed and granular backfill is to be brought in and filled to the surface.
         (c)   When PVC pipe is used, a layer of #57 stone four inches thick shall be laid under the PVC for bedding, and three to four-inch thick layers of # 57 stone shall be laid above the PVC (12 inches on top).
         (d)   If the PVC is in the roadway, the remaining backfill shall be granular to the surface.
         (e)   Under no circumstance shall a lateral be laid in a curb lawn passing another persons property for reasons of maintaining the flow of sewage.
      (5)   (a)   All water and sewer trenches shall be a minimum of ten feet apart. Under no circumstances shall the water and sewer lines be laid in the same ditch.
         (b)   Vertical distance between water and sewer lines shall be vertical, the inspector may approve a lesser distance vertical, if, both the water and sewer lines are installed in separate conduits, sealed by means of a rubber doughnut insert at each end of the conduit, and cemented at each end of the conduit.
      (6)   All sanitary laterals shall have a clean out installed and brought to the surface at intervals of every 100 feet, and/or at each bend in the lateral for the purpose of cleaning and maintaining the sanitary sewage flow.
      (7)   In no case, shall any 90 degree bends be installed in any sanitary sewer line of any kind. The installation of two 45 degree bends shall be used when the inspector permits a bend of that nature to be installed. (See clean outs in division (F)(6) above.)
      (8)   When at all possible, the lateral shall be tapped into the existing “Y” tap or into an existing stub located in a manhole.
   (G)   Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such building drain shall be lifted by an approved means and discharged to the building sewer. No water operated sewer ejector shall be used.
   (H)   No person shall make connection of roof downpours, exterior foundation drains, already drains, or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer.
   (I)   Any contractor installing or working on any sanitary sewer lines in the village shall provide the Superintendent of Water Pollution Control, or his or her duly appointed representative, with a minimum 24-hour advance notice, before any work is started. The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall conform to the requirements of the other applicable rules and regulations of the village, state, county or the procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the A.S.T.M. and the W.P.C.F. Manual of Practice No. 9. This connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at the “Y” branch designated for that property, if such branch is available at a suitable location. All such connections shall be made gas-tight and water-tight. Any connection not made at the designated “Y” branch in the main sewer or any other deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved by the Wastewater Superintendent or appointed representative before installation.
   (J)   The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Wastewater Superintendent or appointed representative when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Wastewater Superintendent or appointed representative.
   (K)   All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the village. The municipality shall in no event be held responsible for claims made against it by reason of the breaking of any mains or service pipes, or by reason of any other interruption of the service caused by the breaking of machinery or stoppage for necessary repairs; and no person shall be entitled to damages or have any portion of a payment refunded for such interruption. The premises receiving sanitary sewer service shall at all reasonable hours be subject to inspection by duly authorized personnel of the municipality.
(Ord. 4-1992, passed 1-9-1992; Ord. 37-1994, passed 9-6-1994) Penalty, see § 54.99