When a minor design alteration to an existing single-family dwelling is proposed that does not change the building envelope or ground floor area of the dwelling, the Commissioner of Buildings may make the determination that the application complies with this Chapter. Minor alterations, including certain accessory structures that may be approved by the Building Commissioner are specified in Schedule 1154.03. In considering such determination, the following procedures shall apply:
(a)   The applicant shall submit a written description and drawing of the proposed minor alteration, including materials and installation methods.
(b)   The Commissioner of Buildings shall review the proposal to determine if it will not result in any material adverse impact to the site or surrounding properties. At any time during the review of the proposal, the Commissioner may refer to the Architectural and Design Review Board for consultation.
(c)   If the Commissioner of Buildings determines that the proposed minor alteration is in compliance with the criteria set forth in this Section and any applicable regulations of this Zoning Code, the Commissioner shall approve the application.
(d)   If the Commissioner of Buildings determines that the proposed minor alteration is not in compliance with the criteria set forth in this Section or any applicable regulations of this Zoning Code, the Commissioner shall deny the application.
   (e)   In the event the Building Commissioner denies the application based on the design review criteria set forth in Section 1117.08 or Section 1155.08, the applicant may appeal such denial to the Architectural and Design Review Board, which shall consider such appeal according to the procedures set forth in Section 1154.05.
      (Ord. 4114. Passed 9-22-21.)