Garages in a single family district, in addition to complying with all other requirements of this Chapter 1155, shall comply with the following:
   (a)    Garage doors on a standard single family lot shall not face a public street except:
      (1)    When the majority of the garage doors on a block currently face the public street.
      (2)    When the house is on a corner lot provided that in such case the garage door is oriented to face and have access from the more minor street.
   (b)    All garage doors shall either: be the same color as the primary color of the house; or be an accent or trim color which is complimentary to the primary color of the house.
   (c)    To preserve the quality of the residential environment and the existing Village character, the front of any new attached garages should be setback a minimum of five (5) feet behind the front wall of the dwelling.
   (d)    To preserve the quality of the residential environment and the existing Village character, a detached garage permitted in Section 1155.07(f)(2) shall be designed to complement and enhance the dwelling, with an exterior that is either the same color as the primary color of the house; or is an accent or trim color that is complimentary to the primary color of the house.
   (e)    The Architectural and Design Review Board, may grant relief from these design requirements when it determines that such relief will not adversely affect the value of the adjacent properties or materially diminish the quality and characteristics of the Village. In making such determinations, the Architectural and Design Review Board will be further guided by the Design Review Criteria in Section 1117.08.
      (Ord. 4115. Passed 2-15-23.)