All applications for proposed modifications to the building envelope of existing single-family dwellings and the addition of certain accessory structures, as specified in Schedule 1154.03, shall comply with the following submission requirements and procedures for review:
   (a)   Submission Requirements. Five (5) copies of the following items shall be
submitted to the Commissioner of Buildings, unless specific items are determined by the Commissioner of Buildings to be inapplicable or unrelated to the proposed modification:
(1)   Architectural drawings, including elevations, which adequately illustrate the proposed alterations. Elevations shall include the front, rear and two side elevations, together with additional views or cross sections, if necessary, to indicate completely the exterior appearance of the structure. All elevations shall be drawn to the same scale, which shall be not less than one-quarter of an inch to the foot. Each elevation shall show the accurate location of windows, doors, shutters, chimneys, porches and other architectural features, as applicable, all materials and finishes, an accurate finish grade line, existing topography and major vegetation features;
(2)   A site plan illustrating the relationship of the dwelling and the proposed modification to the site conditions on the subject property and the immediately adjacent parcels; and
(3)   Samples of colors and building materials to be used, renderings and other illustrative material, to convey exterior design elements.
(b)   Review for Completeness. The Commissioner of Buildings shall review the application for completeness pursuant to the submission requirements set forth in this Section and for compliance with all applicable standards of this zoning code. Such application shall not be processed until the necessary items are submitted.
      (1)   If the application is deemed complete and in compliance with all applicable zoning standards by the Commissioner of Buildings, the Commissioner of Buildings shall forward the application to the Architectural and Design Review Board.
      (2)   If the application is found not to be in compliance with all applicable zoning standards, the application shall be denied by the Commissioner of Buildings and returned to the applicant with the reasons for such denial.
         (Ord. 4114. Passed 9-22-21.)
(c)   Board Review.
(1)   After receiving an application from the Commissioner of Buildings, the Architectural and Design Review Board shall consider the application at a scheduled meeting. This meeting may be a joint meeting with the Planning Commission as required pursuant to Section 1154.04, but not subject to joint review, or at a separately scheduled meeting that shall be open to the public.
(2)    The Architectural and Design Review Board shall review the application for compliance with the design criteria set forth in Section 1117.08 and all other applicable standards, regulations and criteria contained in this Code.
(3)   Upon receipt of an application required by this Section, the Chairman of the Board may determine that an application does not require a full Board review. In such case, the Chairman shall designate one member of the Board to review the application within thirty (30) days.
(d)   Action by the Board. Following its review pursuant to Subsection 1154.05(c), the Architectural and Design Review Board or a designated member, if applicable, shall approve the application, approve the application subject to conditions or deny the application.
(1)   If approved, such approval shall immediately be stamped upon the applications for permits submitted to the Board and promptly return such applications to the Commissioner of Buildings. No building permit concerning matters within the jurisdiction of this Section 1154.05 shall be issued by the Commissioner unless the applications have been approved in writing by the Board or a designated member, as applicable.
(2)   If the Architectural and Design Review Board does not act on the application within thirty (30) days from the date the application is deemed complete, or an extended time period as may be mutually agreed upon, at the election of the applicant, it may be deemed a denial.
(3)   Approval of the proposed construction or alteration shall remain valid for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of its approval. If, at the end of that time, construction has not begun, then such approval shall be considered as having lapsed and shall be of no effect unless the application is resubmitted and reapproved in compliance with this Section.
(4)   Actions taken by the Architectural and Design Review Board on such applications shall be considered final and shall not be appealable to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(e)   Report to Planning Commission. All actions taken by the Architectural and Design Board pursuant to this Section shall be reported to the Planning Commission, in writing, once per month.
(Ord. 3052. Passed 1-17-01.)