The following criteria shall be utilized in reviewing applications subject to design review, to assure that the purposes and intent of this Zoning Code are satisfied.
(a)   The proposal shall be consistent with the relevant purposes, objectives and related development policies set forth in any applicable plans or other documents prepared for and/or by the Village.
(b)   The orientation of any proposed construction shall be reasonably integrated with existing roads, driveways and pedestrian walkways abutting the property on which the proposed construction is to be built.
(c)   The design and location of the buildings on the site shall be of a scale to complement adjacent buildings and enhance the character of the surrounding area with features that are appropriate and compatible with existing buildings and structures. In making this determination, the following items shall be considered:
(1)   Building height, width and general proportions;
(2)   The historic context in which the dwelling, the surrounding areas and the Village were developed.
(3)   Architectural features, including patterns of windows and doors, rood pitch, cornice lines, balconies, porches, shutters, dormers, eaves and other decorative detail; and
(4)   Colors.
(d)    Materials used in the proposed construction or alterations should be compatible with, and not in sharp contrast to, the existing building and/or materials used on adjacent structures.
(e)    The proposal should minimize changes to the natural grade, and the removal and destruction of trees, landscaping or other natural features;
(f)   Proposed alterations to significant architectural features should closely match the original material in composition, design, color, texture and all other visual qualities.
(g)   The removal of distinguishing qualities or character of a building or property that contribute to the overall character of the Village should be avoided.
(h)   Proposed construction should be oriented on the site to maintain reasonable light and air and privacy.
(i)    Architectural details and ornamentation should be meaningful to the overall design and appropriate for the size and scale of proposed structures, and harmonious with other architectural detail and ornamentation on adjacent property.
   In addition to the above criteria, the Architectural and Design Review Board and/or the Planning Commission may, from to time, promulgate supplemental illustrations and utilize the designs of existing historical structures to guide the applicants, Board and Commission in interpreting the criteria herein in carrying out the intent of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 3050. Passed 1-17-01.)