General Provisions
130.01 Trespassing
130.02 Larceny
130.03 Injury to trees
130.04 Trash or garbage
130.05 Drinking in public
130.06 Alcoholic beverages; minors
130.07 Posted advertisements
130.08 False reporting
130.09 Use of tobacco by persons under the age of 21
130.10 Misrepresentation by person under the age of 21 to obtain tobacco
130.11 Sale of tobacco to persons under the age of 21
130.12 Abatement of nuisance
Weapons and Explosives
130.25 Firearms; discharge
130.26 Concealed weapons
130.27 Slingshots, air guns, BB guns and the like
130.28 Firecrackers
130.29 Second Amendment sanctuary ordinance
Offenses Against Public Peace and Safety
130.40 Assaults
130.41 Disturbing the peace
130.42 Disorderly conduct
130.43 Littering
130.44 Fences
130.45 Appliances in yard
130.46 Obstructions
130.47 Dirt and weed removal
130.48 Radio interference
Abandoned and Inoperable Vehicles
130.60 Abandoned automobiles
130.61 Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles
130.62 Unlicensed motor vehicles and/or vehicle parts
130.99 Penalty