Sec. 4.   Special Sales Event Approval.
   A.   General.
      1.   Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this subsection is to set forth uniform procedures, a well-defined application process, and information that shall be included in applications for special sales events in order to allow for the safe and orderly operation of selling of merchandise.
      2.   Applicability. This process shall be required of any establishment or organization desiring to temporarily sell and store merchandise (outside a principal building) in accordance with Chapter 3, Article V, Section 6. The temporary display of retail merchandise not in connection with a special sales event shall be regulated separately in accordance with Chapter 3, Article V, Section 5.
   B.   Submittal Requirements. The application for special sales event approval shall be approved by resolution and maintained by the Business Tax section of the Planning and Zoning Division. All applications shall be accompanied by all documentation, plans, and exhibits as indicated on the application checklist. Fees shall be paid when each application is submitted to the Business Tax section and in the amount as adopted from time to time by resolution by the City Commission.
   C.   Review Criteria. The special temporary sales event shall comply with the location requirements and time limitations of Chapter 3, Article V, Section 6, and the other site development standards described in Chapter 4.
   D.   Approval Process. Applications shall be reviewed by staff and action will be taken by the appropriate administrative official within thirty (30) days of the application.
   E.   Expiration. Event approval shall be valid for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days within any one (1) calendar year; however, the approval may be valid for up to sixty (60) days within one (1) calendar year if the subject site is large enough to accommodate, and configured such, that the merchandise associated with the sales event is setback at least three hundred (300) feet from any property line abutting a street right-of-way in accordance with Chapter 3, Article V, Section 6.
   F.   Miscellaneous.
      1.   Signage. See banners in Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 4.B.6. for additional standards regarding allowable signing for special sales event approval.
      2.   Permanent Exterior Storage. The permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment shall be regulated separately in accordance with Chapter 3, Article V, Section 8.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10)