Sec. 5.   Exterior Display of Merchandise.
   A.   Districts. The temporary exterior display of retail merchandise is allowed in all commercial and mixed use zoning districts.
   B.   Type of Merchandise. The temporary exterior display of retail merchandise is allowed, provided that said merchandise is sold by the operator of the respective business occupying the establishment, and is of the same type of merchandise typically sold within the building.
   C.   On-Site Location. The temporary exterior display of retail merchandise shall be completely contained within the boundaries of the subject property or leased parcel. Retail merchandise shall be displayed on hard surfaces only and, if placed within walkways, shall not obstruct or impede pedestrian movement or cause noncompliance with ADA accessible route requirements. Merchandise shall not be placed within easements, landscaped areas, required off-street parking and vehicular use areas, rooftops, or anywhere that would create a hazard to the public. Any property owner desiring to display merchandise within off-street parking areas would need to obtain a special sales event permit in accordance with Section 6 below.
   D.   Hours of Display. Retail merchandise shall be secured and stored inside a principal or accessory building at the close of business hours, unless said merchandise is placed on-site more than three hundred (300) feet from any arterial or collector street right-of-way and complies with the location criteria of paragraph C. above or approved as part of a special sales event, as described in Section 6 below. If abutting a local street, landscape buffering must meet or exceed the minimum standards of Chapter 4, Article II, to minimize any visual impacts upon abutting right-of-way or nearby properties. In these instances, merchandise may remain outdoors after business hours, contingent upon review and approval through the site plan modification process.
   E.   Miscellaneous.
      1.   Live Plants. The exterior display of live plants in connection with a nursery, garden center, and farm supply establishment is exempt from the three hundred (300) foot distance requirement of paragraph D. above, and may remain outdoors after normal business hours, provided that its placement complies with the location criteria of paragraph C. above.
      2.   Seasonal Sales Event. See Section 7 below for additional regulation regarding the seasonal sales event and the temporary exterior display of Christmas trees, pumpkins, and fireworks.
      3.   Permanent Exterior Storage of Merchandise and Equipment. See Section 8 below for the permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 18-013, § 4, 7-17-18)