Sec. 8.   Permanent Exterior Storage of Merchandise and Equipment.
   A.   Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of these regulations is to establish minimum requirements for the permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment, in order to discourage the exterior placement of said merchandise or equipment in an unsightly, distracting, cluttered, or hazardous manner. These regulations shall not supersede, but rather supplement any specific regulations pertaining to the exterior storage of merchandise or equipment as a principal use.
   B.   Districts. The permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment is allowed in the C-3, C-4, PCD, PID, and M-1 zoning districts.
   C.   Site Plan Required. The area allocated for the permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment shall be shown on the site plan in accordance with Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2.F.
   D.   Type of Merchandise/Equipment. The permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment is allowed, provided that said merchandise/equipment is owned by the operator of the respective business occupying the establishment, and is of the same type of merchandise or equipment typically sold or stored within the principal building. No exterior storage of building or construction materials shall be allowed anywhere, except for that which is stored in connection with a lawfully operating business (e.g., CONTRACTOR) as provided for in Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.
   E.   On-Site Location. Storage areas shall be completely contained within the boundaries of the subject property or leased parcel.
   The permanent exterior storage areas shall be placed behind the front or side corner building setbacks line where located in the C-3, C-4, and PID districts. This restriction shall also apply to properties located along arterial or collector roadways when located in the M-1 districts.
      1.   Required Surface. In the C-3 and PID districts, the permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment shall be placed on improved and hard surfaces only, including vehicular use areas and excess off-street parking spaces.
      2.   Prohibitions. If placed within walkways, the permanent exterior storage areas shall not obstruct or impede pedestrian movement or cause noncompliance with ADA accessible route requirements. In addition, storage areas shall not:
         a.   Be placed within required off-street parking spaces;
         b.   Obstruct or impede vehicular movement;
         c.   Cause noncompliance with any of the off-street parking or vehicular use area standards of Chapter 4; or
         d.   Abridge any easement rights without approval from the affected utility company or the city and shall not be located within landscaped areas, rooftops, or otherwise create a hazard to the public.
   F.   Size. The area allocated to the permanent exterior storage of retail merchandise or equipment shall be restricted in size where properties are located within the following districts:
      1.   C-3 District. The size of the permanent outdoor storage area shall be limited to one percent (1%) of the gross floor area of the principal building(s)/leased space.
      An additional one percent (1%) of storage area (based upon the gross floor area of the leased space/principal building(s)) may be granted, subject to the approval of an administrative adjustment. See Chapter 2, Article II, Section 4.A. for the administrative adjustment process.
      2.   PCD District and PID District. The size of the permanent outdoor storage area shall be limited to fifteen percent (15%) of the gross floor area of the principal building(s)/leased space.
   G.   Additional Screening. To further address potential aesthetic impacts, where determined necessary due to type of merchandise or magnitude of off-site visibility, the Planning & Zoning Director may require additional screening/buffering.
   A landscape barrier (in accordance with Chapter 4, Article II, Section 3.B. and Section 3.C.) may be required where the outdoor storage area abuts an incompatible land use or zoning district.
(Ord. 10-025, passed 12-7-10; Am. Ord. 12-016, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. 18-013, § 4, 7-17-18)