15-8.05   Standards for Issuance of Permit.
   Neighborhood Services Division shall issue a permit as provided for hereunder, when after consideration of the application and from such other information as may otherwise be obtained, it finds that:
   a.   The location of the production will not cause undue hardship to adjacent businesses or residents or will result in undue traffic congestion.
   b.   There are no other production permit applications for the same time and location that have been or will be granted.
   c.   There are no other production permit applications that have been or will be granted for other locations that would reduce police and other City resources in combination with the second application to such an extent that the welfare and safety of persons and property would be adversely affected.
   d.   The application does not contain incomplete or false information.
   e.   The production is not a pornographic production which is defined as a film or tape of activities depicting human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal, acts of human masturbation, actual sexual intercourse, sodomy, bestiality and in a graphically sexual context the following: masochism, sadism or sadomasochism.
   f.   The production is not a film or tape of activities occurring on City facilities or using City equipment or City personnel and containing acts portraying the acts of rape, sodomy, bestiality, sexual intercourse or acts of violence that portray exploding body parts or the dismemberment of bodies or body parts of humans or animals.
   g.   The permittee is not delinquent in the payment of City occupational fees or property taxes.
(Ord. BG2019-53, 12/17/2019; Ord. BG2024-9, 5/21/2024)