15-6.09   License Suspension/Revocation, Information Hearing and Appeal.
   a.   In addition to any other penalties, upon a citation issued by the City Police Department that a private immobilization company, impound tow truck service or operator violated any provisions of this Subchapter or upon a finding that the applicant gave false information in the original or any renewal application, the City Attorney may suspend or revoke a license issued under this Section. Any notice that the City Attorney is considering suspending or revoking a license shall be in writing and delivered to the private immobilization company, impound tow truck service or operator by certified mail. The notice shall include a statement of the factual basis for the proposed action, including a copy of the citation or other appropriate documents, whether a suspension or revocation if proposed, and if a suspension is proposed, the length of the suspension.
   b.   Within ten (10) days of the date of the notice, the private immobilization company, impound tow truck service or operator may request an informal hearing with the City Attorney. If no request for an informal hearing is made, the City Attorney may proceed with the suspension or revocation. If an informal hearing is requested, the City Attorney shall schedule the informal hearing as soon as practicable and provide written notice to the private immobilization company, impound tow truck service or operator not less than twenty (20) days in advance of the date of the informal hearing. The written notice shall include witness names and the evidence to be used at the informal hearing. The City Attorney shall issue a final written decision following the informal hearing within ten (10) days of the hearing.
   c.   Any appeal of that decision may be appealed to the City Manager within thirty (30) days of the date of the final written decision by the City Attorney. If no appeal is made to the City Manager, the decision of the City Attorney shall be final and non-appealable.
(Ord. BG2014-5, 3/18/2014; Ord. BG2020-38, 12/1/2020; Ord. BG2024-9, 5/21/2024)