27-4.07   Weeds / Grasses.
Section 302.4 of the International Property Maintenance Code is amended to designate ten (10) inches as the maximum height of weeds or plant growth on properties located in the City except for those parcels or portions of parcels being used for agricultural purposes and properly maintained as such. The presence of any weeds or plant growth, including grass, but excluding maintained crops, trees, bushes, flowers or other ornamental plants, in excess of ten (10) inches in height is hereby declared a nuisance. The property owner is responsible for weeds or plant growth on his/her property including easements and rights-of-way, which includes the property line to the curb/street. Undeveloped property (acreage or platted lots larger than two (2) acres without structures) shall be mowed and maintained below ten (10) inches within fifty (50) feet of any surface improvement, roadway, structure and/or property line.
(Ord. BG2010-12, 4/20/2010; Ord. BG2014-12, 8/5/2014; BG2022-41, 9/6/2022)