a. The FSBMS sign shall be provided by the Fire Department and placed at one of the following locations:
1. Upon the entry door or sidelight at a minimum height of forty-two (42) inches above the walking surface on the address side of the building or structure.
2. Upon the exterior surface of the building or structure on either side of the entry door, not more than three (3) feet from the entrance door, at a minimum height of forty-two (42) inches above the walking surface on the address side of the building or structure.
3. Conspicuously placed inside an enclosed entrance lobby, on any vertical surface within ten (10) feet of the entrance door at a minimum height of forty-two (42) inches above the walking surface.
4. On the exterior of the fire alarm control unit or on the wall immediately adjacent to the fire alarm control unit door where the alarm panel is located in the enclosed main lobby.
(Ord. BG2021-15, 5/4/2021)