a. Hydrant specifications.
1. All fire hydrants shall meet the minimum specifications and be installed in conformity with the standards and requirements of the local water utility for hydrant type and thread specifications and shall be constructed and maintained so as to have the capability of supplying adequate water flow according to the standards of the local water utility, at the time of acceptance of the local water utility.
2. All hydrants shall be equipped with two (2) two and one-half (2.5) inch outlets and a four and one-half (4.5) inch outlet with American Standard threads.
3. The center of a hydrant outlet shall not be less than eighteen (18) inches above final grade.
4. The center of a hydrant outlet shall not be more than thirty-six (36) inches above final grade.
5. A thirty six (36) inch clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of a fire hydrant.
b. Delivery.
1. Fire hydrants shall deliver a minimum one thousand (1,000) gallons per minute at twenty (20) pounds per square inch residual pressure, with a friction loss of not more than five (5) pounds per square inch between the street main and the outlet.
2. This provision is applicable to the design of the hydrants only and is not to be utilized in the determination of the proper and/or necessary water flow requirements.
(Ord. BG2021-15, 5/4/2021)