It shall be the duty of the permittee making any cut or excavation in any city street, alley or sidewalk to provide safety precautions related to their construction. These precautions shall include, but are not limited to: signs, markings, barricades, fencing and other measures.
a. Permittee shall provide barricades or construction fencing sufficient to enclose the work-zone for safety.
b. Construction work-zone shall be barricaded and lighted when the work zone is open during night time for the safety of motorists and pedestrians.
c. All work-zone signage shall comply with the current edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Detailed traffic control plans may be required at the discretion of the Public Works Director or designee.
d. It shall be the permittee’s responsibility to comply with all laws and regulations including, but not limited to, those from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
(Ord. BG2020-19, 8/4/2020)